WEBVTT FILE 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:04.350 Ellen and I'm a researcher at the George Washington University and today I'm 2 00:00:04.350 --> 00:00:07.980 going to be talking about estimating the health impacts of air pollution using 3 00:00:07.980 --> 00:00:12.599 satellite derived concentrations so satellite data allows us to estimate 4 00:00:12.600 --> 00:00:19.170 ground level concentrations at increasingly finer resolutions, ah, these 5 00:00:19.170 --> 00:00:23.160 high-resolution pollution estimates can then be used to estimate the health 6 00:00:23.160 --> 00:00:27.019 impacts and what neighborhoods within cities might be at a higher risk of 7 00:00:27.020 --> 00:00:32.520 disease and mortality that's associated with exposure to air pollution, so in 8 00:00:32.520 --> 00:00:36.210 this study we wanted to estimate the health impacts of air pollution at the 9 00:00:36.210 --> 00:00:40.860 local level and to do this we look at Oakland California within the Bay Area 10 00:00:40.860 --> 00:00:45.980 as a case study, so until recently these type of health impact assessments have 11 00:00:45.989 --> 00:00:53.180 been reported at the global, country or county level, but this type of reporting 12 00:00:53.190 --> 00:00:58.710 can mask potential spatial heterogeneity at the local level. So in this study we 13 00:00:58.710 --> 00:01:04.049 varied the pollution sources and rates of disease in order to see how our 14 00:01:04.049 --> 00:01:10.080 health impacts vary when we use these varying concentration sources. We hope 15 00:01:10.080 --> 00:01:14.580 that this type of information can inform actions that cities can take, to take 16 00:01:14.580 --> 00:01:19.670 action to reduce disparities in health risks attributable to air pollution 17 00:01:19.920 --> 00:01:20.740 Next, 18 00:01:23.520 --> 00:01:26.939 so in order to do this we use what's called a health impact function 19 00:01:26.939 --> 00:01:32.090 that's derived from epidemiology studies and these look at linking the health 20 00:01:32.090 --> 00:01:35.240 outcomes of association to air pollution 21 00:01:35.900 --> 00:01:37.860 so the attributable fraction of disease 22 00:01:37.860 --> 00:01:42.060 is the portion of disease that can be thought of or can be described as 23 00:01:42.060 --> 00:01:48.259 resulting from a particular risk factor or exposure in this case air pollution 24 00:01:48.259 --> 00:01:52.500 so here I'm going to be talking mostly about mortality related to air pollution 25 00:01:52.500 --> 00:01:57.540 but we also looked at cardiovascular mortality as an emergency room visits 26 00:01:57.540 --> 00:02:00.140 and new cases of asthma 27 00:02:06.040 --> 00:02:09.660 sorry guys it's a lot of pressure 28 00:02:12.300 --> 00:02:14.760 okay so from these epidemiological studies 29 00:02:14.760 --> 00:02:20.580 we're able to derive a risk estimate that quantitatively assesses the 30 00:02:20.580 --> 00:02:24.630 relationship between a health outcome and what we would expect for each health 31 00:02:24.630 --> 00:02:27.560 outcome increase in concentration 32 00:02:30.200 --> 00:02:33.080 so in order to apply this spatially we 33 00:02:33.090 --> 00:02:38.010 actually need a couple more concentration input or data inputs first 34 00:02:38.010 --> 00:02:42.870 we need the population of our population of interest and the spatial distribution 35 00:02:42.870 --> 00:02:48.030 of that population we also need the baseline disease rates or baseline 36 00:02:48.030 --> 00:02:52.410 mortality of that population and the spatial distribution of that baseline 37 00:02:52.410 --> 00:02:57.150 disease rate and then we also need to know the pollution concentrations and 38 00:02:57.150 --> 00:03:02.340 the spatial distribution of our paths pollution concentrations so in this 39 00:03:02.340 --> 00:03:07.320 study we use concentrations from three sources a fine particulate matter from a 40 00:03:07.320 --> 00:03:14.370 satellite drive model, land..., nitrogen dioxide from two data sources first a 41 00:03:14.370 --> 00:03:17.960 land-use regression model that incorporated satellite troposphere at 42 00:03:17.960 --> 00:03:24.020 column estimates of nitrogen dioxides and nitrogen dioxide from a innovative 43 00:03:24.030 --> 00:03:27.560 mobile monitoring data set where in Google Street View cars took 44 00:03:27.560 --> 00:03:30.500 measurements of nitrogen dioxide 45 00:03:33.220 --> 00:03:36.000 the result of this calculation is the number 46 00:03:36.000 --> 00:03:40.200 of cases that we can expect within a population that could be attributed to 47 00:03:40.200 --> 00:03:41.360 air pollution 48 00:03:45.240 --> 00:03:49.320 so long-term exposure to fine particulate matter is associated 49 00:03:49.320 --> 00:03:53.790 with increased risk of mortality and it contributes a large burden of death and 50 00:03:53.790 --> 00:03:58.980 disability in the US and globally so for our fine particulate matter data set we 51 00:03:58.980 --> 00:04:02.280 used a satellite derived model that was originally developed at Harvard 52 00:04:02.280 --> 00:04:07.769 University this dataset provided daily estimates of fine particulate matter at 53 00:04:07.769 --> 00:04:13.760 the one kilometer resolution in the United States so this was a satellite 54 00:04:13.760 --> 00:04:19.360 derived model, it was a neural network hybrid model that incorporated aerosol 55 00:04:19.380 --> 00:04:23.819 optical depth from the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer on 56 00:04:23.819 --> 00:04:29.759 the Earth observing satellite it also incorporated a 3d chemical transport 57 00:04:29.759 --> 00:04:35.219 model central, site monitoring data and numerous other meteorological and 58 00:04:35.219 --> 00:04:41.520 land-use variables the result is that we can see the estimates show that within 59 00:04:41.520 --> 00:04:44.999 the Bay Area the daily maximum concentrations for fine particulate 60 00:04:44.999 --> 00:04:50.129 matter regularly exceeded the US Environmental Protection Agency's daily 61 00:04:50.129 --> 00:04:54.500 threshold of 35 micrograms per meter cubed 62 00:04:55.460 --> 00:05:00.360 so our second concentration of interest is nitrogen dioxide and nitrogen dioxide 63 00:05:00.360 --> 00:05:04.860 is a traffic-related air pollutant exposures which has been associated with 64 00:05:04.860 --> 00:05:09.979 increased asthma incidents and increased mortality so we wanted to compare how to 65 00:05:09.979 --> 00:05:15.319 varying NO2 concentration datasets influenced our health impact estimates 66 00:05:15.319 --> 00:05:22.439 so for our first model for NO2 we used a land-use regression model and land-use 67 00:05:22.439 --> 00:05:27.060 regression basically just takes land-use characteristics and other model inputs 68 00:05:27.060 --> 00:05:32.279 to estimate data where we don't have measured concentrations so this 69 00:05:32.279 --> 00:05:35.939 particular model developed to Oregon State University incorporated satellite 70 00:05:35.939 --> 00:05:40.860 troposphere at column estimates of nitrogen dioxides from the DAICHI 71 00:05:40.860 --> 00:05:47.520 instrument and the Gomi 2 instrument the researchers found that the satellite 72 00:05:47.520 --> 00:05:51.180 column concentrations and measures of road density were the largest 73 00:05:51.180 --> 00:05:55.040 contributors to NO2 ground level concentrations 74 00:05:58.460 --> 00:05:59.939 so in order to compare 75 00:05:59.939 --> 00:06:04.649 our land-use regression estimates we wanted to use measure data of NO2 and 76 00:06:04.649 --> 00:06:09.689 for this we used a innovative mobile monitoring technique wherein Google 77 00:06:09.689 --> 00:06:14.159 Street View cars took repeated 30 meter Road segment measurements of NO2 in 78 00:06:14.159 --> 00:06:18.360 neighborhoods throughout the Bay Area and for Oakland this is Oakland 79 00:06:18.360 --> 00:06:23.089 California this resulted in three million, over three million data points 80 00:06:23.089 --> 00:06:28.319 which was then aggregated to an annual average and then we aggregated to 100 81 00:06:28.319 --> 00:06:30.830 meters here 82 00:06:31.960 --> 00:06:36.500 the Google Street data sets concentrations found peak concentrations 83 00:06:36.500 --> 00:06:41.810 near roadways and what we can also see is that when we compare the land-use 84 00:06:41.810 --> 00:06:45.560 regression to the Google Streetview the land-use regression had a higher median 85 00:06:45.560 --> 00:06:49.819 concentration of values but the Google Street View concentrations had a larger 86 00:06:49.819 --> 00:06:55.610 range of values owing to those peak concentrations near roadways so we 87 00:06:55.610 --> 00:07:00.259 hypothesized that this highly resolved spatial data near roadways in 88 00:07:00.259 --> 00:07:04.520 combination with highly resolved baseline disease rates would allow us to 89 00:07:04.520 --> 00:07:09.880 identify disparities in health burden attributable to air pollution within cities 90 00:07:15.520 --> 00:07:19.660 so the other portion of our project was to look at how baseline 91 00:07:19.669 --> 00:07:23.840 disease rates influenced the risks attributable to air pollution within 92 00:07:23.840 --> 00:07:30.439 cities so County baseline disease rates are pretty easy to obtain but they can 93 00:07:30.439 --> 00:07:34.909 mask potential spatial heterogeneity for neighborhoods so for example if you 94 00:07:34.909 --> 00:07:39.110 apply a County based on disease rate to entire neighborhood you might or the 95 00:07:39.110 --> 00:07:42.889 entire county you might overestimate the baseline disease in some areas and 96 00:07:42.889 --> 00:07:47.599 underestimate it in others so for our study we obtained census block group or 97 00:07:47.599 --> 00:07:51.529 neighborhood level based on disease rates and what we found is when we 98 00:07:51.529 --> 00:07:54.770 compared county and neighborhood level based on disease rates in our health 99 00:07:54.770 --> 00:08:00.919 impact function was the census block group yielded a higher median burden of 100 00:08:00.919 --> 00:08:05.659 disease as seen by the box plots and it also yield the different spatial 101 00:08:05.659 --> 00:08:11.210 patterns as compared to the county rates we can see in the maps, so from this we 102 00:08:11.210 --> 00:08:14.930 concluded that without this type of highly resolved neighborhood baseline 103 00:08:14.930 --> 00:08:20.870 disease rates we might not adequately identify disparities in the health 104 00:08:20.870 --> 00:08:24.560 burden attributable to air pollution within cities 105 00:08:30.580 --> 00:08:35.080 so the other portion of our study was of course to compare how the satellite 106 00:08:35.089 --> 00:08:38.510 drive Land-use regression model compared to our Google Streetview 107 00:08:38.510 --> 00:08:42.680 data set and what we found is that the land-use regression model yielded higher 108 00:08:42.680 --> 00:08:47.450 estimates of mortality attributable to air pollution and that was owing to the 109 00:08:47.450 --> 00:08:51.950 higher concentrations of the land-use regression model we did also find that the 110 00:08:51.950 --> 00:08:55.370 land-use regression and the Google Streetview yielded fairly similar 111 00:08:55.370 --> 00:08:59.750 overall spatial patterns but the Google Street View data set was able to 112 00:08:59.750 --> 00:09:05.660 identify a larger magnitude of spatial heterogeneity within cities particularly 113 00:09:05.660 --> 00:09:11.660 with hotspots near high-density roadways such as this is I 880 in Oakland California 114 00:09:16.860 --> 00:09:21.440 so in this presentation we've seen how highly resolved spatial data 115 00:09:21.440 --> 00:09:26.540 can help Public Health's researchers identify areas within cities that are 116 00:09:26.540 --> 00:09:32.900 experiencing higher rates of disease attributable to air pollution the data 117 00:09:32.900 --> 00:09:35.770 sources we explored were satellite derived concentration estimates 118 00:09:35.770 --> 00:09:40.720 innovative mobile monitoring and highly resolved based on disease rates 119 00:09:40.720 --> 00:09:45.589 particularly we demonstrated that the county and that the more highly resolved 120 00:09:45.589 --> 00:09:50.959 baseline disease rates did a good job of letting us see where these disparities 121 00:09:50.959 --> 00:09:54.680 within cities exist so if we don't have that highly resolved baseline to deta 122 00:09:54.680 --> 00:09:57.680 data we might not adequately identify these 123 00:09:59.180 --> 00:10:00.640 so just to kind of bring this all 124 00:10:00.650 --> 00:10:05.390 together at a spring 2019 meeting at the George Washington University we got 125 00:10:05.390 --> 00:10:09.800 together local and state representatives of different governments and they really 126 00:10:09.800 --> 00:10:14.450 emphasized the need for this type of highly localized data in order for them 127 00:10:14.450 --> 00:10:18.950 to inform their decision-making on the local level so it's our hope that this 128 00:10:18.950 --> 00:10:24.140 type of local health impact assessment can be used in cities worldwide to help 129 00:10:24.140 --> 00:10:26.540 inform local decision-making 130 00:10:29.720 --> 00:10:32.920 so that I'd just like to thank our in collaborator 131 00:10:32.930 --> 00:10:36.920 collaborators at the Environmental Defense Fund, University of Texas Austin 132 00:10:36.920 --> 00:10:41.390 Harvard University, the Alameda County Public Health Department and Oregon 133 00:10:41.390 --> 00:10:44.600 State University and of course generous funding from the Environmental 134 00:10:44.600 --> 00:10:47.630 Defense Fund and NASA for funding our group at the George Washington University