WEBVTT FILE 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:18.959 [ Screen is split down the middle, on the left side is a Hubble image of V838 Mon from May 20, 2002, in the center is a red point of light that is a star. Suddenly, a a border exits from the center red star and spreads out throughout the dark grey, purplish dust and gas surrounding the star. There is an eerie high-pitched noise that plays along with the border as it spreads. The border goes all the way to the edge of the image before a moment of silence. ] 2 00:00:19.959 --> 00:00:46.959 [ Then, on the right side is the second image from December 17, 2002. Same as before, the border exits from the center red star and moves throughout the dust and gas. Only with this image the dust enveloping the center star appears much larger, and thus the high-pitched sound goes on much longer. The border eventually goes to the edge of the image and the sound stops. Followed by the NASA meatball. ]