WEBVTT FILE 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:06.960 "Inside the Image // Hubble Space Telescope // Eta Carinae" 2 00:00:06.960 --> 00:00:12.720 This is an image of Eta Carinae taken with the  Hubble Space Telescope and there's a lot going on   3 00:00:12.720 --> 00:00:18.540 in this image. If you go down into the very center  of this image you can see this bright spot here,   4 00:00:18.540 --> 00:00:24.120 that's actually two stars much, much more massive  than the Sun that are in orbit around one another.  5 00:00:24.120 --> 00:00:32.400 So what you see here are these two lobes of  material and they are from a giant eruption   6 00:00:32.400 --> 00:00:38.520 that this star had about 200 years ago and when  these massive stars are near the ends of their   7 00:00:38.520 --> 00:00:44.880 life they become quite unstable, and there was  this tremendous eruption that blew up about   8 00:00:44.880 --> 00:00:50.340 20 times the mass of the Sun. and there was a  massive brightening of the star, became one of   9 00:00:50.340 --> 00:00:56.880 the brightest stars in the sky in the 1840s, and  what we see here is the result of that massive   10 00:00:56.880 --> 00:01:02.880 eruption, and these lobes of material that are  slowly making their way out into Interstellar   11 00:01:02.880 --> 00:01:08.160 space. Mariners at the time used it as a  navigation aid, this brightening only lasted   12 00:01:08.160 --> 00:01:15.420 a number of years and then it since faded but  Eta Carinae is still a relatively bright star.   13 00:01:15.420 --> 00:01:21.240 The dust in this homunculus nebula, which  is what it's called, is going to continue   14 00:01:21.240 --> 00:01:28.080 to expand it's being illuminated by  the stars that are interior to it. 15 00:01:28.080 --> 00:01:31.740 Here's another image of Eta Carinae taken  with Hubble, it looks a little different.   16 00:01:31.740 --> 00:01:37.800 Hubble Is outfitted with very specialized  filters that can see the light emitted from   17 00:01:37.800 --> 00:01:43.260 specific atoms at specific wavelengths,  the blue shows you where the magnesium   18 00:01:43.260 --> 00:01:49.560 is emitting light, the red shows regions  where nitrogen is emitting light they   19 00:01:49.560 --> 00:01:54.720 have different ionization states they respond  to this ultraviolet light in different ways.   20 00:01:54.720 --> 00:02:00.060 One of the things that happens in these massive  stars is they're factories for heavier elements   21 00:02:00.060 --> 00:02:05.160 and that's where the heavy elements in our bodies  and the Earth all come from stars like this   22 00:02:05.160 --> 00:02:11.220 supernovae and massive stars that process them and  eject the material back out into space, and that's   23 00:02:11.220 --> 00:02:16.680 sort of the hard work that astronomers want to do  because we want to understand all the details of   24 00:02:16.680 --> 00:02:24.780 what's happening in this nebula that's what these  extraordinary eyes that Hubble has allow us to do.   25 00:02:24.780 --> 00:02:30.420 This is a very complex and volatile object and  in fact one of the reasons for being interested   26 00:02:30.420 --> 00:02:37.500 is that on the list of stars that we know about  in the Milky Way that may soon become supernovae   27 00:02:37.500 --> 00:02:43.740 this is one of them. It takes about 8000 years  for the light from Eta Carinae to reach us and   28 00:02:43.740 --> 00:02:48.240 so it could already have gone supernova  8000 years ago and we wouldn't know it. 29 00:02:48.240 --> 00:02:54.240 Follow us on social media @NASAHubble