Goddard Glossary: Scientific Balloon Video Descriptions



00:00 A woman with brown hair, wearing a denim shirt, holds a red balloon. Above her, the words “scientific balloon” are spelled out syllabically.

00:03 She releases the balloon as the words fade, revealing a background of a giant white balloon against a black sky.

00:06 A giant white balloon is tethered to the ground as it’s being filled.

00:08 An illustration of a white, pumpkin-shaped balloon against a blue background. Inside the balloon, a scale illustration of a football field rotates.

00:10 Back to the woman talking.

00:14 A white balloon floating high in the sky, slightly grainy from distance.

00:19 A huge white balloon fills the top half of the screen, against the black of space. The limb of Earth and its atmosphere are visible below the balloon.

00:21 Flashing through 4 images of nebulas and galaxies against the starry background of space. The words Images from Super Pressure Balloon Imaging Telescope (SuperBIT) are in the top left corner.

00:24 Back to the woman talking.

00:30 A large silver scientific instrument with dark solar panels hangs from a white cord.

00:31 A closer look at the instrument on the ground. It’s roughly pyramid-shaped, with solar panels on each side.

00:34 Back to the woman talking.

00:36 A white balloon against a nearly white sky, tethered to the snowy ground. A person is holding a large tube filling the balloon.

00:38 A white balloon against a blue sky. It’s tethered to the ground, and a large tube is filling the balloon.

00:41 Back to the woman talking.

00:41 A white balloon takes off against a bright blue sky, with a long white cord extending from it.

00:47 Back to the woman talking.

00:48 Flashing through pictures of huge white balloons launching against various backdrops.

00:52 Back to the woman talking.