WEBVTT FILE 1 00:00:04.938 --> 00:00:07.540 >> Hello, everyone. 2 00:00:07.540 --> 00:00:10.710 I'm from the Office of 3 00:00:10.710 --> 00:00:11.478 COMMUNICATION. 4 00:00:11.478 --> 00:00:26.559 I am here at lockheed martin. 5 00:00:26.559 --> 00:00:30.597 Yesterday OSIRIS-REx successfully 6 00:00:30.597 --> 00:00:33.033 made contact with the surface of asteroid Bennu. 7 00:00:33.033 --> 00:00:37.404 contact with the surface of asteroid Bennu. 8 00:00:37.404 --> 00:00:40.540 For delivery to earth in 2023. 9 00:00:40.540 --> 00:00:42.876 To share some remarks with us 10 00:00:42.876 --> 00:00:43.810 and tell us what happened 11 00:00:43.810 --> 00:00:45.111 yesterday and what is coming up 12 00:00:45.111 --> 00:00:47.547 for the mission we have with us 13 00:00:47.547 --> 00:00:49.949 today Jim bridenstine, NASA 14 00:00:49.949 --> 00:00:53.153 administrator, NASA HEADQUARTERS 15 00:00:53.153 --> 00:00:55.655 whoingly join us by phone. 16 00:00:55.655 --> 00:01:00.927 ASSOCIATE administrator who will 17 00:01:00.927 --> 00:01:05.298 join us by phone. 18 00:01:05.298 --> 00:01:07.267 OSIRIS-REx principal 19 00:01:07.267 --> 00:01:13.006 investigator university of 20 00:01:13.006 --> 00:01:16.142 Arizona. 21 00:01:16.142 --> 00:01:19.946 And sandy friend, MISSION 22 00:01:19.946 --> 00:01:21.014 operations manager. 23 00:01:21.014 --> 00:01:21.915 We'll start with the 24 00:01:21.915 --> 00:01:25.251 administrator bridenstine 25 00:01:25.251 --> 00:01:27.187 joining us from his phone. 26 00:01:27.187 --> 00:01:30.657 Administrator bridenstine, we 27 00:01:30.657 --> 00:01:32.158 turn it over to you. 28 00:01:32.158 --> 00:01:32.859 >> Well, thank you. 29 00:01:32.859 --> 00:01:37.964 It's an amazing day. 30 00:01:37.964 --> 00:01:42.035 I just saw the first images of 31 00:01:42.035 --> 00:01:43.670 OSIRIS-REx touching down and 32 00:01:43.670 --> 00:01:45.371 it was every bit as beautiful as 33 00:01:45.371 --> 00:01:46.639 I thought it would be. 34 00:01:46.639 --> 00:01:48.308 What an amazing accomplishment 35 00:01:48.308 --> 00:01:50.009 by amazing people at this time. 36 00:01:50.009 --> 00:01:54.614 We think about the challenges 37 00:01:54.614 --> 00:01:57.617 ever getting OSIRIS-REx PW-LGT 38 00:01:57.617 --> 00:01:58.852 and lunched. 39 00:01:58.852 --> 00:02:01.855 IT is a project NASA and the 40 00:02:01.855 --> 00:02:04.724 university of Arizona and 41 00:02:04.724 --> 00:02:07.060 LOCKHEED martin have been 42 00:02:07.060 --> 00:02:15.201 collaborating on since 2011. 43 00:02:15.201 --> 00:02:17.270 Here we are with this really 44 00:02:17.270 --> 00:02:24.677 stunning achievement. 45 00:02:24.677 --> 00:02:26.212 This team broke the record for 46 00:02:26.212 --> 00:02:31.151 being able to orbit the smallest 47 00:02:31.151 --> 00:02:35.188 object, closer than any object 48 00:02:35.188 --> 00:02:36.823 has been orbited before. 49 00:02:36.823 --> 00:02:38.625 When we got there we learned so 50 00:02:38.625 --> 00:02:41.027 much about how rough the train 51 00:02:41.027 --> 00:02:43.730 was, which was not anticipated. 52 00:02:43.730 --> 00:02:45.465 How small of a landing area we 53 00:02:45.465 --> 00:02:48.434 actually AND ultMATEly being 54 00:02:48.434 --> 00:02:53.173 able to use this precision 55 00:02:53.173 --> 00:02:55.141 navigation CAPABILITY that way 56 00:02:55.141 --> 00:02:57.744 out performed what anybody 57 00:02:57.744 --> 00:02:59.812 believed what could be done. 58 00:02:59.812 --> 00:03:01.281 I know the people who built it 59 00:03:01.281 --> 00:03:02.982 believed in it 100%. 60 00:03:02.982 --> 00:03:07.086 It was an amazing day yesterday. 61 00:03:07.086 --> 00:03:09.989 When you watch it land on 62 00:03:09.989 --> 00:03:11.291 a parking spot. 63 00:03:11.291 --> 00:03:14.994 The area was about the size of 64 00:03:14.994 --> 00:03:17.564 two parking spaces side by side 65 00:03:17.564 --> 00:03:20.133 and landed just as it should 66 00:03:20.133 --> 00:03:21.167 have. 67 00:03:21.167 --> 00:03:24.537 We didn't get five OR 10 seconds 68 00:03:24.537 --> 00:03:28.541 on the surface, we got 15 69 00:03:28.541 --> 00:03:29.409 seconds. 70 00:03:29.409 --> 00:03:31.077 We'll be learning more about how 71 00:03:31.077 --> 00:03:33.313 much sample and things like 72 00:03:33.313 --> 00:03:34.080 that. 73 00:03:34.080 --> 00:03:37.183 It went as well as it could have 74 00:03:37.183 --> 00:03:37.617 gone. 75 00:03:37.617 --> 00:03:38.985 Id it yesterday and I will say 76 00:03:38.985 --> 00:03:39.586 it again. 77 00:03:39.586 --> 00:03:41.721 The OSIRIS-REx out performed 78 00:03:41.721 --> 00:03:43.690 in every way. 79 00:03:43.690 --> 00:03:45.792 I wanted to make sure I 80 00:03:45.792 --> 00:03:49.162 congratulated the teams and you 81 00:03:49.162 --> 00:03:53.766 guys all made not just the 82 00:03:53.766 --> 00:03:55.034 United States of America proud 83 00:03:55.034 --> 00:03:58.571 but humanity proud to go way out 84 00:03:58.571 --> 00:04:00.206 into deep space and characterize 85 00:04:00.206 --> 00:04:01.507 this ASTEROID. 86 00:04:01.507 --> 00:04:03.443 There is so much more to do. 87 00:04:03.443 --> 00:04:04.944 I want to be clear, there is 88 00:04:04.944 --> 00:04:06.246 a lot left to do. 89 00:04:06.246 --> 00:04:07.413 We have to bring the sample 90 00:04:07.413 --> 00:04:07.914 home. 91 00:04:07.914 --> 00:04:09.616 But at the same time this in 92 00:04:09.616 --> 00:04:11.751 itself, the touch down, the 93 00:04:11.751 --> 00:04:14.020 sample collection, was an 94 00:04:14.020 --> 00:04:17.423 Aamazing achievement and I want 95 00:04:17.423 --> 00:04:19.959 to congratulate the team. 96 00:04:19.959 --> 00:04:21.361 With that I'll turn it back 97 00:04:21.361 --> 00:04:21.728 over. 98 00:04:21.728 --> 00:04:23.896 >> Thank you, sir. 99 00:04:23.896 --> 00:04:27.800 Thank you, administrator. 100 00:04:27.800 --> 00:04:29.302 Yesterday our team did an 101 00:04:29.302 --> 00:04:30.436 amazing thing. 102 00:04:30.436 --> 00:04:33.106 A true first for NASA. 103 00:04:33.106 --> 00:04:39.212 The mission has been going since 104 00:04:39.212 --> 00:04:42.448 2011 and OSIRIS-REx 105 00:04:42.448 --> 00:04:44.417 successfully touched the surface 106 00:04:44.417 --> 00:04:50.757 to collect a sample. 107 00:04:50.757 --> 00:04:51.858 Everything went like it should 108 00:04:51.858 --> 00:04:54.160 and like we hoped yesterday. 109 00:04:54.160 --> 00:04:56.229 The technology performed 110 00:04:56.229 --> 00:05:00.667 flawlessly and commands our team 111 00:05:00.667 --> 00:05:05.338 sent, the signal from the earth 112 00:05:05.338 --> 00:05:07.573 to OSIRIS-REx in 18-plus 113 00:05:07.573 --> 00:05:08.875 minutes and it had to be 114 00:05:08.875 --> 00:05:12.578 pre-loaded and ready on its own. 115 00:05:12.578 --> 00:05:14.547 I remember thinking if only the 116 00:05:14.547 --> 00:05:17.083 speed of light was a lot faster. 117 00:05:17.083 --> 00:05:18.785 It isn't, of course. 118 00:05:18.785 --> 00:05:21.187 The spacecraft slowly approached 119 00:05:21.187 --> 00:05:24.490 the surface and getting more 120 00:05:24.490 --> 00:05:25.725 detail. 121 00:05:25.725 --> 00:05:27.226 It's a risk going down, 122 00:05:27.226 --> 00:05:29.629 decreasing as we got more and 123 00:05:29.629 --> 00:05:32.665 more information and approaching 124 00:05:32.665 --> 00:05:35.835 that target with an accuracy 125 00:05:35.835 --> 00:05:37.370 unprecedented. 126 00:05:37.370 --> 00:05:42.342 We'll hear about this. 127 00:05:42.342 --> 00:05:43.676 The swirl of material. 128 00:05:43.676 --> 00:05:45.812 Unlike anything it had seen in 129 00:05:45.812 --> 00:05:48.247 quite a while. 130 00:05:48.247 --> 00:05:50.450 Evaluating the surrounding the 131 00:05:50.450 --> 00:05:53.853 spacecraft backs away. 132 00:05:53.853 --> 00:05:56.556 The team has a lot to work on 133 00:05:56.556 --> 00:05:58.825 and analyze and is likely to be 134 00:05:58.825 --> 00:05:59.592 a sample. 135 00:05:59.592 --> 00:06:01.761 It appears the spacecraft is 136 00:06:01.761 --> 00:06:03.129 safe and I look forward to 137 00:06:03.129 --> 00:06:04.697 hearing the details HERE. 138 00:06:04.697 --> 00:06:06.933 This is all the beginning the 139 00:06:06.933 --> 00:06:08.334 process. 140 00:06:08.334 --> 00:06:10.470 We are nowhere near the end. 141 00:06:10.470 --> 00:06:14.807 I thought of the analogy of 142 00:06:14.807 --> 00:06:15.375 fishing. 143 00:06:15.375 --> 00:06:18.010 The line tied and sinker dropped 144 00:06:18.010 --> 00:06:21.848 and now we have to bring it in 145 00:06:21.848 --> 00:06:23.616 after we caught the fish and 146 00:06:23.616 --> 00:06:24.384 bring it home. 147 00:06:24.384 --> 00:06:25.785 It was an honor and joy to be 148 00:06:25.785 --> 00:06:27.320 with the mission control team 149 00:06:27.320 --> 00:06:28.888 yesterday and the leadership 150 00:06:28.888 --> 00:06:32.558 team at LOCKHEED and determined 151 00:06:32.558 --> 00:06:34.227 the spacecraft has done what it 152 00:06:34.227 --> 00:06:37.163 was designed for what touched 153 00:06:37.163 --> 00:06:41.200 the surface and powered the 154 00:06:41.200 --> 00:06:45.705 collection mechanism and is on 155 00:06:45.705 --> 00:06:47.106 its safe way back from 156 00:06:47.106 --> 00:06:49.008 a hasarrous environment T-PLT is 157 00:06:49.008 --> 00:06:52.678 a great feeling being with 158 00:06:52.678 --> 00:06:57.350 people, one of thousands of over 159 00:06:57.350 --> 00:06:58.885 many years to achieve. 160 00:06:58.885 --> 00:07:00.820 From my e-mails and text streams 161 00:07:00.820 --> 00:07:03.890 and social media scientists 162 00:07:03.890 --> 00:07:05.425 within the United States and 163 00:07:05.425 --> 00:07:08.561 Around the world are ecstatic. 164 00:07:08.561 --> 00:07:10.096 The DISCOVERIES we will make 165 00:07:10.096 --> 00:07:11.798 about our SOLAR system and 166 00:07:11.798 --> 00:07:13.533 planets from the material around 167 00:07:13.533 --> 00:07:15.201 at the type of its formation 168 00:07:15.201 --> 00:07:16.702 will be immense. 169 00:07:16.702 --> 00:07:21.073 The questions we have could see 170 00:07:21.073 --> 00:07:22.875 life on earth as another 171 00:07:22.875 --> 00:07:25.144 tantalizing avenue we want to 172 00:07:25.144 --> 00:07:26.279 pursue and more. 173 00:07:26.279 --> 00:07:27.980 Many generations will have the 174 00:07:27.980 --> 00:07:30.516 chance to pursue these questions 175 00:07:30.516 --> 00:07:32.485 and others from the pristine 176 00:07:32.485 --> 00:07:35.688 samples coming back to earth and 177 00:07:35.688 --> 00:07:37.056 countless discoveries and 178 00:07:37.056 --> 00:07:38.658 researches will happen as 179 00:07:38.658 --> 00:07:42.228 a result of that. 180 00:07:42.228 --> 00:07:43.930 I want to commend you and the 181 00:07:43.930 --> 00:07:46.098 entire team at the university of 182 00:07:46.098 --> 00:07:48.434 Arizona, the teama NASA goddard 183 00:07:48.434 --> 00:07:52.505 and rich burns and others at 184 00:07:52.505 --> 00:07:53.973 LOCKHEED martin. 185 00:07:53.973 --> 00:07:57.577 I want to give a shout out began 186 00:07:57.577 --> 00:08:01.681 again to our partners the 187 00:08:01.681 --> 00:08:04.383 canadian and Japanese space 188 00:08:04.383 --> 00:08:08.221 partners and I look forward to 189 00:08:08.221 --> 00:08:11.958 hear about the details of how we 190 00:08:11.958 --> 00:08:14.126 pulled off this incredible 191 00:08:14.126 --> 00:08:15.495 mission and what is next, 192 00:08:15.495 --> 00:08:16.095 importantly. 193 00:08:16.095 --> 00:08:18.865 I look forward to him releasing 194 00:08:18.865 --> 00:08:21.667 what will be an ICONic image of 195 00:08:21.667 --> 00:08:23.135 the power and excitement of 196 00:08:23.135 --> 00:08:25.404 exploration, one that inspires 197 00:08:25.404 --> 00:08:26.539 all of us. 198 00:08:26.539 --> 00:08:28.140 Back to you. 199 00:08:28.140 --> 00:08:31.577 >> Thank you. 200 00:08:31.577 --> 00:08:34.847 We will now turn it over to the 201 00:08:34.847 --> 00:08:36.682 principal INVESTIGATOR of the 202 00:08:36.682 --> 00:08:39.085 OSIRIS-REx mission. 203 00:08:39.085 --> 00:08:41.787 >> Thank you, Nancy. 204 00:08:41.787 --> 00:08:43.756 Thank you for your words of 205 00:08:43.756 --> 00:08:45.558 support and encouragement. 206 00:08:45.558 --> 00:08:47.226 It was great to have the doctor 207 00:08:47.226 --> 00:08:50.696 and other representatives from 208 00:08:50.696 --> 00:08:53.032 HEADQUARTERS encouraging and 209 00:08:53.032 --> 00:08:55.601 supporting the team and we 210 00:08:55.601 --> 00:08:59.605 appreciated administrator bride 211 00:08:59.605 --> 00:09:06.345 tine's CONGRATULATIONS to the 212 00:09:06.345 --> 00:09:09.015 team and it uplifted us ask we 213 00:09:09.015 --> 00:09:10.416 appreciated you joining. 214 00:09:10.416 --> 00:09:12.985 It is about monitoring as we 215 00:09:12.985 --> 00:09:14.687 watch the events unfold 216 00:09:14.687 --> 00:09:16.689 200 million miles away. 217 00:09:16.689 --> 00:09:18.157 The question that came up over 218 00:09:18.157 --> 00:09:23.863 and over again is when will we 219 00:09:23.863 --> 00:09:25.598 get the images back? 220 00:09:25.598 --> 00:09:26.966 I can tell you a lot of us were 221 00:09:26.966 --> 00:09:29.135 up really late last night. 222 00:09:29.135 --> 00:09:30.970 We were watching the images come 223 00:09:30.970 --> 00:09:33.439 down one by one by about 2:00 224 00:09:33.439 --> 00:09:35.508 a.m. here local time in Denver 225 00:09:35.508 --> 00:09:37.743 we got what was, what I call the 226 00:09:37.743 --> 00:09:40.413 money shot where we saw it 227 00:09:40.413 --> 00:09:42.515 CONtacting the surface and the 228 00:09:42.515 --> 00:09:47.153 effect of injecting that high 229 00:09:47.153 --> 00:09:48.854 purity gas. 230 00:09:48.854 --> 00:09:50.590 Let's just go and take a quick 231 00:09:50.590 --> 00:09:51.757 look at the data. 232 00:09:51.757 --> 00:09:54.527 I am going to show you a series 233 00:09:54.527 --> 00:09:56.062 of images. 234 00:09:56.062 --> 00:09:57.763 This is about twice the frame 235 00:09:57.763 --> 00:09:59.899 rate and coming in faster here. 236 00:09:59.899 --> 00:10:01.467 I will just let that play out 237 00:10:01.467 --> 00:10:03.436 and let you appreciate it one 238 00:10:03.436 --> 00:10:05.104 more time as we go through and 239 00:10:05.104 --> 00:10:07.340 we have analysis we can perform 240 00:10:07.340 --> 00:10:09.609 about what happened here. 241 00:10:09.609 --> 00:10:11.177 Maybe one more time. 242 00:10:11.177 --> 00:10:12.945 It's just soy cool. 243 00:10:12.945 --> 00:10:17.450 so cool. 244 00:10:17.450 --> 00:10:19.785 I must have watched it about 100 245 00:10:19.785 --> 00:10:21.187 times last night before I got 246 00:10:21.187 --> 00:10:22.655 a little shut eye. 247 00:10:22.655 --> 00:10:26.392 I dreamed of a wonder world of 248 00:10:26.392 --> 00:10:28.694 particles floating all around 249 00:10:28.694 --> 00:10:29.095 me. 250 00:10:29.095 --> 00:10:30.596 Just to remind you what we are 251 00:10:30.596 --> 00:10:31.631 LOOKING at here. 252 00:10:31.631 --> 00:10:36.135 This is a full-scale model THIS. 253 00:10:36.135 --> 00:10:38.104 Is on the end of the long 254 00:10:38.104 --> 00:10:41.040 robotic arm 30-centimeters or 255 00:10:41.040 --> 00:10:43.142 a foot in diameter. 256 00:10:43.142 --> 00:10:44.377 This is what we placed on the 257 00:10:44.377 --> 00:10:45.745 surface of the ASTEROID. 258 00:10:45.745 --> 00:10:48.014 It's at the end of the robotic 259 00:10:48.014 --> 00:10:50.483 arm and the high purity nitrogen 260 00:10:50.483 --> 00:10:52.952 gas feeds in through a couple 261 00:10:52.952 --> 00:10:54.954 tubes and comes out and pushes 262 00:10:54.954 --> 00:10:57.256 everything up into the 263 00:10:57.256 --> 00:10:58.557 collection chamber. 264 00:10:58.557 --> 00:11:00.926 Let's take another look at just 265 00:11:00.926 --> 00:11:03.462 a couple key images right before 266 00:11:03.462 --> 00:11:06.065 CONtact and right after CONtact, 267 00:11:06.065 --> 00:11:07.733 before the gas is fired. 268 00:11:07.733 --> 00:11:09.502 There is a little over one 269 00:11:09.502 --> 00:11:10.970 second time difference between 270 00:11:10.970 --> 00:11:12.638 these two images. 271 00:11:12.638 --> 00:11:16.742 There is an enormous wealth of 272 00:11:16.742 --> 00:11:17.510 information? 273 00:11:17.510 --> 00:11:18.811 >>> The first thing YOU CAN SEE 274 00:11:18.811 --> 00:11:21.681 if you look at the area right 275 00:11:21.681 --> 00:11:24.817 above the 12:00 position we are 276 00:11:24.817 --> 00:11:26.686 making CONtact with a relatively 277 00:11:26.686 --> 00:11:28.621 large rock a little OVER 278 00:11:28.621 --> 00:11:31.257 20-centimeters we considered 279 00:11:31.257 --> 00:11:33.659 a POTENTIAL obstruction but we 280 00:11:33.659 --> 00:11:34.460 crushed. 281 00:11:34.460 --> 00:11:35.895 IT when the spacecraft made 282 00:11:35.895 --> 00:11:39.665 CONtact the rock appears to frag 283 00:11:39.665 --> 00:11:42.068 THE and shatter that is great 284 00:11:42.068 --> 00:11:44.737 news because it is being created 285 00:11:44.737 --> 00:11:46.272 just by the motion of the 286 00:11:46.272 --> 00:11:48.074 spacecraft pushing into the 287 00:11:48.074 --> 00:11:48.974 surface. 288 00:11:48.974 --> 00:11:51.811 If you look at other area around 289 00:11:51.811 --> 00:11:55.081 at 10:30 to the upper left, YOU 290 00:11:55.081 --> 00:11:58.918 CAN SEE motion. 291 00:11:58.918 --> 00:12:02.054 It looks like we are pushing and 292 00:12:02.054 --> 00:12:04.090 EXERTing a force throughout the 293 00:12:04.090 --> 00:12:06.525 soil on the ASTEROID surface. 294 00:12:06.525 --> 00:12:08.394 Good news for our POTENTIAL for 295 00:12:08.394 --> 00:12:11.397 successful sample collection. 296 00:12:11.397 --> 00:12:13.566 I want to point out another feet 297 00:12:13.566 --> 00:12:14.867 that you are didn't get a lot of 298 00:12:14.867 --> 00:12:15.901 attention yesterday. 299 00:12:15.901 --> 00:12:17.136 We talks body the gas 300 00:12:17.136 --> 00:12:21.040 stimulation and driving into 301 00:12:21.040 --> 00:12:22.641 this bulk filter. 302 00:12:22.641 --> 00:12:24.310 As you can see there is a whole 303 00:12:24.310 --> 00:12:26.612 series of circular disks on the 304 00:12:26.612 --> 00:12:28.214 flight hardware what is mounted 305 00:12:28.214 --> 00:12:29.982 in here are CONtact pads 306 00:12:29.982 --> 00:12:32.184 literally made out of stains 307 00:12:32.184 --> 00:12:35.955 steel velcro to pick up material 308 00:12:35.955 --> 00:12:37.823 in the order of a millimeter 309 00:12:37.823 --> 00:12:39.024 size or smaller. 310 00:12:39.024 --> 00:12:40.426 When the head is making CONtact 311 00:12:40.426 --> 00:12:41.961 with the surface and crushing 312 00:12:41.961 --> 00:12:45.030 what appears to be a very soft, 313 00:12:45.030 --> 00:12:47.299 appliable material is good news 314 00:12:47.299 --> 00:12:49.435 not only for the bulk sample 315 00:12:49.435 --> 00:12:50.669 collection because when the head 316 00:12:50.669 --> 00:12:52.238 penetrates and we are estimating 317 00:12:52.238 --> 00:12:54.807 about 2-centimeters of 318 00:12:54.807 --> 00:12:56.475 penetration at least during this 319 00:12:56.475 --> 00:12:58.778 event, a lot of material is 320 00:12:58.778 --> 00:12:59.912 forced into the sample 321 00:12:59.912 --> 00:13:00.679 collector. 322 00:13:00.679 --> 00:13:02.448 By crushing you will drive a lot 323 00:13:02.448 --> 00:13:04.984 of material into the CONtact 324 00:13:04.984 --> 00:13:05.551 pads. 325 00:13:05.551 --> 00:13:07.787 From analysis of the images we 326 00:13:07.787 --> 00:13:10.823 have so far is the sampling 327 00:13:10.823 --> 00:13:13.192 ehaven't went really well and I 328 00:13:13.192 --> 00:13:15.127 think the chances that there is 329 00:13:15.127 --> 00:13:17.296 material in the head have gone 330 00:13:17.296 --> 00:13:19.365 way up based on the analysis of 331 00:13:19.365 --> 00:13:20.633 the images. 332 00:13:20.633 --> 00:13:22.568 One more sequence now after the 333 00:13:22.568 --> 00:13:24.837 event when the gas bottle is 334 00:13:24.837 --> 00:13:25.337 fired. 335 00:13:25.337 --> 00:13:29.241 You can see particle, flying all 336 00:13:29.241 --> 00:13:29.942 over the place. 337 00:13:29.942 --> 00:13:31.777 We really did kind of make 338 00:13:31.777 --> 00:13:33.345 a mess on the surface of the 339 00:13:33.345 --> 00:13:35.314 ASTEROID but it's a good mess. 340 00:13:35.314 --> 00:13:37.983 It's the kind of mess we were 341 00:13:37.983 --> 00:13:38.984 hoping for. 342 00:13:38.984 --> 00:13:40.786 We have additional CONfidence we 343 00:13:40.786 --> 00:13:42.388 pushed material up into the 344 00:13:42.388 --> 00:13:43.455 sampler head. 345 00:13:43.455 --> 00:13:45.591 Just a little bit of the time 346 00:13:45.591 --> 00:13:48.360 line here, we make CONtact about 347 00:13:48.360 --> 00:13:50.529 one SECOND went by, the gas 348 00:13:50.529 --> 00:13:52.598 bottle fire, the gas was blown 349 00:13:52.598 --> 00:13:54.300 down for about five seconds, 350 00:13:54.300 --> 00:13:55.935 WHICH is as much time as we were 351 00:13:55.935 --> 00:13:57.436 hoping to get to collect the 352 00:13:57.436 --> 00:13:57.970 material. 353 00:13:57.970 --> 00:13:59.538 The system seems to have 354 00:13:59.538 --> 00:14:01.607 performed nominally. 355 00:14:01.607 --> 00:14:04.476 The surface behaved very well. 356 00:14:04.476 --> 00:14:06.278 And everything that we can see 357 00:14:06.278 --> 00:14:08.814 from the initial images 358 00:14:08.814 --> 00:14:11.784 indicates sampling success: We 359 00:14:11.784 --> 00:14:13.652 have work to do and will go 360 00:14:13.652 --> 00:14:17.756 through the entire procedure 361 00:14:17.756 --> 00:14:20.726 and. 362 00:14:20.726 --> 00:14:22.862 I am pretty excited about all of 363 00:14:22.862 --> 00:14:23.229 this. 364 00:14:23.229 --> 00:14:24.430 This is great news. 365 00:14:24.430 --> 00:14:26.232 And I will turn it over to rich 366 00:14:26.232 --> 00:14:27.666 to talk about the spacecraft 367 00:14:27.666 --> 00:14:29.702 performance from here. 368 00:14:29.702 --> 00:14:36.508 >> Thank you very much. 369 00:14:36.508 --> 00:14:38.377 We are happy to be sharing this 370 00:14:38.377 --> 00:14:40.045 information WITH YOU. I will try 371 00:14:40.045 --> 00:14:42.781 to set CONtext for the movie 372 00:14:42.781 --> 00:14:47.686 dante showed you in the last 373 00:14:47.686 --> 00:14:52.424 stages AND/ORienting you with 374 00:14:52.424 --> 00:14:54.860 what nightingale looked like. 375 00:14:54.860 --> 00:14:56.528 Let's start with the animation. 376 00:14:56.528 --> 00:14:59.465 This is the final descent stages 377 00:14:59.465 --> 00:15:03.569 and the same image, this is an 378 00:15:03.569 --> 00:15:05.037 animation, of course. 379 00:15:05.037 --> 00:15:08.173 We'll transfer to a perspective 380 00:15:08.173 --> 00:15:09.742 near the surface so you can see 381 00:15:09.742 --> 00:15:12.244 how rugged the terrain is here. 382 00:15:12.244 --> 00:15:13.913 At CONtact you will see the 383 00:15:13.913 --> 00:15:15.681 sample collection head made 384 00:15:15.681 --> 00:15:17.883 CONtact with the surface. 385 00:15:17.883 --> 00:15:22.488 And the nitrogen bottle is fired 386 00:15:22.488 --> 00:15:24.323 and more is disturbed. 387 00:15:24.323 --> 00:15:27.159 The cut away of the sample 388 00:15:27.159 --> 00:15:28.427 collection head shows the air 389 00:15:28.427 --> 00:15:30.229 flow of the nitrogen and the 390 00:15:30.229 --> 00:15:32.164 back away maneuver from the 391 00:15:32.164 --> 00:15:32.865 surface. 392 00:15:32.865 --> 00:15:37.703 That completes; that maneuver 393 00:15:37.703 --> 00:15:40.306 completed, the sequence we are 394 00:15:40.306 --> 00:15:41.707 safely away from the surface 395 00:15:41.707 --> 00:15:42.074 now. 396 00:15:42.074 --> 00:15:44.743 I will turn to the orien TAEUGSZ 397 00:15:44.743 --> 00:15:46.512 of the sample collection site 398 00:15:46.512 --> 00:15:48.747 nightingale. 399 00:15:48.747 --> 00:15:52.117 We'll show a graphic to describe 400 00:15:52.117 --> 00:15:52.518 that. 401 00:15:52.518 --> 00:15:54.853 On the upper right is an image 402 00:15:54.853 --> 00:15:57.690 from the reconnaissance c. 403 00:15:57.690 --> 00:16:00.526 The resolution is 4-millimeters 404 00:16:00.526 --> 00:16:01.560 per pixel. 405 00:16:01.560 --> 00:16:03.562 The YELLOW circle in that image 406 00:16:03.562 --> 00:16:09.335 is the dimension of the sample 407 00:16:09.335 --> 00:16:10.803 collection head, the sense of 408 00:16:10.803 --> 00:16:12.471 the rocks and material under the 409 00:16:12.471 --> 00:16:13.772 collection head at the time of 410 00:16:13.772 --> 00:16:16.775 CONtact. 411 00:16:16.775 --> 00:16:18.877 The bottom right is the snapshot 412 00:16:18.877 --> 00:16:21.246 of the sample head before 413 00:16:21.246 --> 00:16:21.880 CONtact. 414 00:16:21.880 --> 00:16:23.248 On the left hand side of the 415 00:16:23.248 --> 00:16:26.318 graphic citizen nightingale -- 416 00:16:26.318 --> 00:16:29.755 graphic is the nightingale site 417 00:16:29.755 --> 00:16:31.390 and it is the estimated point of 418 00:16:31.390 --> 00:16:33.092 CONtact which is less than 419 00:16:33.092 --> 00:16:34.560 a meter away from the center of 420 00:16:34.560 --> 00:16:36.328 the site. 421 00:16:36.328 --> 00:16:38.664 I will emphasize that because we 422 00:16:38.664 --> 00:16:42.201 are over 320 million-kilometers 423 00:16:42.201 --> 00:16:45.371 away from earth at this pointer. 424 00:16:45.371 --> 00:16:47.573 We touch this ASTEROID within 425 00:16:47.573 --> 00:16:50.376 a meter of where we intended to. 426 00:16:50.376 --> 00:16:52.911 That's EXTRAORDINARY AND a real 427 00:16:52.911 --> 00:16:55.214 credit to our team, navigators, 428 00:16:55.214 --> 00:16:56.815 the folks here at LOCKHEED and 429 00:16:56.815 --> 00:16:58.951 the science team who all had to 430 00:16:58.951 --> 00:17:02.121 come together to enable that to 431 00:17:02.121 --> 00:17:03.956 happen to allow the navigation 432 00:17:03.956 --> 00:17:07.459 system to work as administrator 433 00:17:07.459 --> 00:17:09.795 bridenstine said, out performing 434 00:17:09.795 --> 00:17:10.829 our requirements. 435 00:17:10.829 --> 00:17:12.364 Our initial requirements were to 436 00:17:12.364 --> 00:17:14.333 land within 25 meters of 437 00:17:14.333 --> 00:17:15.968 a specified site. 438 00:17:15.968 --> 00:17:17.636 We landed within a meter. 439 00:17:17.636 --> 00:17:19.104 Incredible there. 440 00:17:19.104 --> 00:17:21.273 And also the rugged terrain you 441 00:17:21.273 --> 00:17:22.741 saw from the perspective near 442 00:17:22.741 --> 00:17:25.577 the surface of the site want 443 00:17:25.577 --> 00:17:28.247 EXTROERDinary rugged terrain. 444 00:17:28.247 --> 00:17:30.716 The satchel site nightingale is 445 00:17:30.716 --> 00:17:32.751 actually one of the smoother 446 00:17:32.751 --> 00:17:34.420 area, but quite small comparED 447 00:17:34.420 --> 00:17:36.855 TO the 25-meter requirement. 448 00:17:36.855 --> 00:17:38.857 We'll talk a little about where 449 00:17:38.857 --> 00:17:41.193 the spacecraft is presently. 450 00:17:41.193 --> 00:17:43.629 We'll start with AN ANmation 451 00:17:43.629 --> 00:17:45.664 with a back away maneuver, the 452 00:17:45.664 --> 00:17:49.902 thrusters firing. 453 00:17:49.902 --> 00:17:52.171 You see the spacecraft going 454 00:17:52.171 --> 00:17:54.706 away quickly and out of orbit. 455 00:17:54.706 --> 00:17:57.643 This graphic shows the orbit we 456 00:17:57.643 --> 00:18:01.346 left from and then a hyperbolic 457 00:18:01.346 --> 00:18:04.149 trajectory safely drifting away. 458 00:18:04.149 --> 00:18:07.052 We will arrest that, drift away 459 00:18:07.052 --> 00:18:10.222 on Friday at about 80-kilometers 460 00:18:10.222 --> 00:18:11.757 distance. 461 00:18:11.757 --> 00:18:14.860 All the mess that dante 462 00:18:14.860 --> 00:18:16.428 described that we made we are 463 00:18:16.428 --> 00:18:18.797 safely away from that debris 464 00:18:18.797 --> 00:18:20.766 field at the present moment. 465 00:18:20.766 --> 00:18:22.401 I will turn it over to sandy 466 00:18:22.401 --> 00:18:24.670 friend from LOCKHEED. 467 00:18:24.670 --> 00:18:25.571 >> Thank you, rich. 468 00:18:25.571 --> 00:18:27.039 I will talk about the spacecraft 469 00:18:27.039 --> 00:18:29.174 performance yesterday and what 470 00:18:29.174 --> 00:18:30.075 is coming up. 471 00:18:30.075 --> 00:18:33.579 So the spacecraft performance is 472 00:18:33.579 --> 00:18:37.883 performance is phenomenal. 473 00:18:37.883 --> 00:18:39.384 Feature tracking, matching all 474 00:18:39.384 --> 00:18:41.820 the features as it slowly 475 00:18:41.820 --> 00:18:42.888 descended. 476 00:18:42.888 --> 00:18:44.590 You heard and have seen we made 477 00:18:44.590 --> 00:18:46.525 CONtact and fired the gas bottle 478 00:18:46.525 --> 00:18:47.793 as planned and hope to have 479 00:18:47.793 --> 00:18:49.995 a lot CAPTURed in there before 480 00:18:49.995 --> 00:18:51.864 we backed away. 481 00:18:51.864 --> 00:18:53.532 We started down linking our tag 482 00:18:53.532 --> 00:18:54.366 data yesterday. 483 00:18:54.366 --> 00:18:56.835 We were fortunate to maintain 484 00:18:56.835 --> 00:18:57.936 COMMUNICATION throughout the 485 00:18:57.936 --> 00:19:01.373 CONtact and our 40 bit 486 00:19:01.373 --> 00:19:02.808 teleemetry. 487 00:19:02.808 --> 00:19:04.510 We went to a higher data rate 488 00:19:04.510 --> 00:19:06.178 and get data including the 489 00:19:06.178 --> 00:19:09.648 phenomenal set of images dante 490 00:19:09.648 --> 00:19:10.549 just showed. 491 00:19:10.549 --> 00:19:14.353 All the sub systems are 492 00:19:14.353 --> 00:19:16.622 reporting nominal performance. 493 00:19:16.622 --> 00:19:17.856 We did see a number of 494 00:19:17.856 --> 00:19:19.625 additional bright objectses in 495 00:19:19.625 --> 00:19:20.726 our star tracker. 496 00:19:20.726 --> 00:19:23.328 Not unexpected coming off what 497 00:19:23.328 --> 00:19:25.330 we saw the surface and it has 498 00:19:25.330 --> 00:19:26.098 cleared. 499 00:19:26.098 --> 00:19:27.633 We have a series of spacecraft 500 00:19:27.633 --> 00:19:29.801 activities coming up that will 501 00:19:29.801 --> 00:19:32.137 inform us how much sample we 502 00:19:32.137 --> 00:19:33.405 have collected and give us 503 00:19:33.405 --> 00:19:36.108 insight into the spacecraft sub 504 00:19:36.108 --> 00:19:36.775 systems. 505 00:19:36.775 --> 00:19:38.510 The 50 event is tomorrow. 506 00:19:38.510 --> 00:19:40.312 -- first event is tomorrow. 507 00:19:40.312 --> 00:19:42.814 We have AN ANmation event of 508 00:19:42.814 --> 00:19:44.116 what it looks like. 509 00:19:44.116 --> 00:19:46.118 We are able to arcticulate the 510 00:19:46.118 --> 00:19:48.520 arm and head over the Sam cam 511 00:19:48.520 --> 00:19:49.922 that will take a series of 512 00:19:49.922 --> 00:19:50.856 images. 513 00:19:50.856 --> 00:19:52.257 We are hoping to see lots of 514 00:19:52.257 --> 00:19:54.960 sample entrained in the sampler 515 00:19:54.960 --> 00:19:55.360 head. 516 00:19:55.360 --> 00:19:56.929 We will be able to see everyday 517 00:19:56.929 --> 00:19:59.565 of sample on the CONtact padS. 518 00:19:59.565 --> 00:20:02.234 Any dust that may be on the arm 519 00:20:02.234 --> 00:20:03.769 or the sampler head. 520 00:20:03.769 --> 00:20:05.070 That will be the first activity 521 00:20:05.070 --> 00:20:06.738 to help us determine just how 522 00:20:06.738 --> 00:20:09.208 much sample we have collected. 523 00:20:09.208 --> 00:20:11.076 Then our second activity is the 524 00:20:11.076 --> 00:20:12.678 sample mass measurement. 525 00:20:12.678 --> 00:20:14.546 We have a second animation 526 00:20:14.546 --> 00:20:15.280 showing that. 527 00:20:15.280 --> 00:20:17.382 We'll extend the arm and spin 528 00:20:17.382 --> 00:20:18.650 the spacecraft. 529 00:20:18.650 --> 00:20:20.018 Now we have done this activity 530 00:20:20.018 --> 00:20:20.819 before. 531 00:20:20.819 --> 00:20:22.754 We have a pre-tag, this will be 532 00:20:22.754 --> 00:20:23.956 our post tag. 533 00:20:23.956 --> 00:20:28.360 That wye -- way we can determine 534 00:20:28.360 --> 00:20:38.604 the inertiaia. 535 00:20:38.604 --> 00:20:40.939 We will check out redundant 536 00:20:40.939 --> 00:20:46.078 components. 537 00:20:46.078 --> 00:20:47.546 We will turn it back over to 538 00:20:47.546 --> 00:20:48.614 Nancy. 539 00:20:48.614 --> 00:20:50.215 >> Thank you. 540 00:20:50.215 --> 00:20:51.450 We are ready to take questions 541 00:20:51.450 --> 00:20:53.752 from the media by phone. 542 00:20:53.752 --> 00:20:55.554 Operator please patch THROUGH 543 00:20:55.554 --> 00:20:57.122 our first question. 544 00:20:57.122 --> 00:21:01.426 The first question comes from 545 00:21:01.426 --> 00:21:04.563 ASSOCIATed press. 546 00:21:04.563 --> 00:21:08.066 Your line is open. 547 00:21:08.066 --> 00:21:09.668 >> CONGRATULATIONS. 548 00:21:09.668 --> 00:21:13.305 I heard Mr. Bridenstine say it 549 00:21:13.305 --> 00:21:15.440 is 15 seconds that is longer 550 00:21:15.440 --> 00:21:17.709 than anticipated. 551 00:21:17.709 --> 00:21:19.478 I guess that's a good thing, 552 00:21:19.478 --> 00:21:21.713 right had when do you think 553 00:21:21.713 --> 00:21:24.082 might be the soonest that we can 554 00:21:24.082 --> 00:21:26.451 declare success and have at 555 00:21:26.451 --> 00:21:28.453 least a pretty good hunch that 556 00:21:28.453 --> 00:21:29.788 we have what you were going 557 00:21:29.788 --> 00:21:30.289 after? 558 00:21:30.289 --> 00:21:32.124 Thank you. 559 00:21:32.124 --> 00:21:32.924 >> Great question. 560 00:21:32.924 --> 00:21:35.927 I will tell you the 15 seconds I 561 00:21:35.927 --> 00:21:39.131 got in open media reports, so 562 00:21:39.131 --> 00:21:41.867 I'll let the experts tell us 563 00:21:41.867 --> 00:21:45.604 exactly what they know. 564 00:21:45.604 --> 00:21:47.706 Dante if you would like to take 565 00:21:47.706 --> 00:21:48.106 that. 566 00:21:48.106 --> 00:21:49.608 >> I will let sandy take that 567 00:21:49.608 --> 00:21:52.611 and she is the expert. 568 00:21:52.611 --> 00:21:55.447 >> The preliminary analysis 569 00:21:55.447 --> 00:21:56.782 shows we were in CONtact with 570 00:21:56.782 --> 00:21:58.817 the surface for about six 571 00:21:58.817 --> 00:21:59.618 seconds. 572 00:21:59.618 --> 00:22:01.420 Our COLLECTION time about five 573 00:22:01.420 --> 00:22:03.255 seconds it takes just about 574 00:22:03.255 --> 00:22:05.824 a second after we make CONtact 575 00:22:05.824 --> 00:22:07.359 before the gas bottle is fired 576 00:22:07.359 --> 00:22:10.529 at one second difference. 577 00:22:10.529 --> 00:22:13.332 >> I read an article it said 15. 578 00:22:13.332 --> 00:22:15.300 I guess I was wrong. 579 00:22:15.300 --> 00:22:17.169 I apologize. 580 00:22:17.169 --> 00:22:19.604 >> That's quite all right. 581 00:22:19.604 --> 00:22:21.406 When do you think the soonest 582 00:22:21.406 --> 00:22:23.175 might be that you will have if 583 00:22:23.175 --> 00:22:24.910 not an exact measurement, 584 00:22:24.910 --> 00:22:29.114 a pretty good idea that you can, 585 00:22:29.114 --> 00:22:33.985 the pressure might be down? 586 00:22:33.985 --> 00:22:36.722 >> We -- go Ahead. 587 00:22:36.722 --> 00:22:38.123 >> I was GOING TO say I'll 588 00:22:38.123 --> 00:22:40.859 defer. 589 00:22:40.859 --> 00:22:42.828 >> We are continuing to analyze 590 00:22:42.828 --> 00:22:46.598 all the ENGINEERing data to 591 00:22:46.598 --> 00:22:48.567 better core late the data sets 592 00:22:48.567 --> 00:22:51.002 together and get a better time 593 00:22:51.002 --> 00:22:52.604 line of everything that happened 594 00:22:52.604 --> 00:22:54.239 and how fast the BOTTLE pressure 595 00:22:54.239 --> 00:22:55.240 went down and everything is 596 00:22:55.240 --> 00:22:57.075 being looked at closely here as 597 00:22:57.075 --> 00:22:59.611 we look to analyze the sample we 598 00:22:59.611 --> 00:23:00.679 have collected and hoping to 599 00:23:00.679 --> 00:23:02.547 have good solid time lines in 600 00:23:02.547 --> 00:23:04.049 the next few dayS. 601 00:23:04.049 --> 00:23:05.183 >> I continuing is planned for 602 00:23:05.183 --> 00:23:05.817 Saturday. 603 00:23:05.817 --> 00:23:10.689 -- I think it is planned for 604 00:23:10.689 --> 00:23:11.289 Saturday. 605 00:23:11.289 --> 00:23:13.725 The team needs time to analyze 606 00:23:13.725 --> 00:23:14.192 that. 607 00:23:14.192 --> 00:23:15.894 When do we expect the final 608 00:23:15.894 --> 00:23:17.429 report on that VALUE? 609 00:23:17.429 --> 00:23:19.531 >> We are expecting a final 610 00:23:19.531 --> 00:23:22.067 sample report on Monday. 611 00:23:22.067 --> 00:23:23.835 >> Thank you. 612 00:23:23.835 --> 00:23:25.203 >> Operator, ready for the next 613 00:23:25.203 --> 00:23:27.472 question. 614 00:23:27.472 --> 00:23:31.610 >> Thank you. 615 00:23:31.610 --> 00:23:34.246 The line is open. 616 00:23:34.246 --> 00:23:35.647 >> Hello. 617 00:23:35.647 --> 00:23:37.416 Thank you so much for the update 618 00:23:37.416 --> 00:23:40.218 here and CONGRATULATIONS it 619 00:23:40.218 --> 00:23:42.854 appears so far on the sampling. 620 00:23:42.854 --> 00:23:44.723 My question is for dante. 621 00:23:44.723 --> 00:23:46.224 I am just curious it's been 622 00:23:46.224 --> 00:23:49.227 a long road reaching with 623 00:23:49.227 --> 00:23:53.265 OSIRIS-REx and a very 624 00:23:53.265 --> 00:23:54.733 unexpected circumstances to try 625 00:23:54.733 --> 00:23:57.102 to collect samples of the 626 00:23:57.102 --> 00:23:58.937 ASTEROID last night. 627 00:23:58.937 --> 00:24:00.839 I'm wondering kind of what you 628 00:24:00.839 --> 00:24:04.643 and the team are feeling or were 629 00:24:04.643 --> 00:24:06.611 feeling when you saw the images 630 00:24:06.611 --> 00:24:08.847 come down after, you know, 631 00:24:08.847 --> 00:24:11.483 making lots of precautions for 632 00:24:11.483 --> 00:24:14.186 the ON-GOING pandemic and every 633 00:24:14.186 --> 00:24:16.021 other challenge we are facing 634 00:24:16.021 --> 00:24:16.922 right now. 635 00:24:16.922 --> 00:24:19.224 I am just curious what that is 636 00:24:19.224 --> 00:24:22.427 like when you saw the imageS. 637 00:24:22.427 --> 00:24:23.962 >> That's a great question. 638 00:24:23.962 --> 00:24:27.999 We stayed here fairly late last 639 00:24:27.999 --> 00:24:28.767 night. 640 00:24:28.767 --> 00:24:31.136 I stuck around to get to the 641 00:24:31.136 --> 00:24:32.704 point where we made the high 642 00:24:32.704 --> 00:24:35.106 gain antenna CONtact and got the 643 00:24:35.106 --> 00:24:37.175 initial teleem tree back down 644 00:24:37.175 --> 00:24:40.545 and had a status meeting at 9:00 645 00:24:40.545 --> 00:24:41.913 local Denver time. 646 00:24:41.913 --> 00:24:44.015 I got to my apartment in Denver 647 00:24:44.015 --> 00:24:47.052 around 11:00 last night and I 648 00:24:47.052 --> 00:24:48.620 couldn't sleep, as you can 649 00:24:48.620 --> 00:24:50.589 imagine, I knew we were anding 650 00:24:50.589 --> 00:24:52.557 the image around 2:00 a.m. 651 00:24:52.557 --> 00:24:54.125 I got on to the chat. 652 00:24:54.125 --> 00:24:56.928 We have a chat feature with our 653 00:24:56.928 --> 00:25:00.265 science team and the images are 654 00:25:00.265 --> 00:25:01.967 processed through the center in 655 00:25:01.967 --> 00:25:03.301 tucson, Arizona. 656 00:25:03.301 --> 00:25:06.738 Our imaging scientists were busy 657 00:25:06.738 --> 00:25:09.307 downloads and analyzing the 658 00:25:09.307 --> 00:25:11.910 images and the science team was 659 00:25:11.910 --> 00:25:13.478 analyzing them in real time 660 00:25:13.478 --> 00:25:15.580 through the chat feet and you 661 00:25:15.580 --> 00:25:18.283 are locking at various aspects 662 00:25:18.283 --> 00:25:19.851 in timing and sequence. 663 00:25:19.851 --> 00:25:22.621 The chat was filled with emojis 664 00:25:22.621 --> 00:25:25.223 and wows and all kinds of 665 00:25:25.223 --> 00:25:27.626 celebratory remarkses. 666 00:25:27.626 --> 00:25:29.661 Science NEVER sleeps in these 667 00:25:29.661 --> 00:25:30.662 CONditions. 668 00:25:30.662 --> 00:25:33.231 We started assessing how far the 669 00:25:33.231 --> 00:25:35.100 head penetrated into the 670 00:25:35.100 --> 00:25:35.700 surface. 671 00:25:35.700 --> 00:25:37.636 The mood overall was SKWRAOUB 672 00:25:37.636 --> 00:25:39.604 HRAPT because everything look -- 673 00:25:39.604 --> 00:25:43.308 was jubilant and can say the 674 00:25:43.308 --> 00:25:44.643 best piece of information was 675 00:25:44.643 --> 00:25:50.181 the head looks like it pushed 676 00:25:50.181 --> 00:25:51.850 down into the surface with all 677 00:25:51.850 --> 00:25:55.320 the testing the team did to test 678 00:25:55.320 --> 00:25:57.556 head performance some of the 679 00:25:57.556 --> 00:25:59.758 best results are when they get 680 00:25:59.758 --> 00:26:02.127 under the surface just a bit and 681 00:26:02.127 --> 00:26:04.596 is able to fire the nitrogen 682 00:26:04.596 --> 00:26:05.964 gases. 683 00:26:05.964 --> 00:26:08.199 I know we will hear at another 684 00:26:08.199 --> 00:26:12.370 event from our scientists and 685 00:26:12.370 --> 00:26:13.838 you can look forward to that. 686 00:26:13.838 --> 00:26:16.007 I know he is literally over the 687 00:26:16.007 --> 00:26:17.842 ASTEROID at this point with 688 00:26:17.842 --> 00:26:20.412 excitement about how his device 689 00:26:20.412 --> 00:26:23.048 has performed and that SPREAD 690 00:26:23.048 --> 00:26:25.350 throughout the entire science 691 00:26:25.350 --> 00:26:25.917 team. 692 00:26:25.917 --> 00:26:28.420 I look forward TO BE able to 693 00:26:28.420 --> 00:26:29.888 sleep tonight knowing we had 694 00:26:29.888 --> 00:26:33.525 a job really well done. 695 00:26:33.525 --> 00:26:36.161 >> Operator, your next question. 696 00:26:36.161 --> 00:26:37.596 >> Thank you. 697 00:26:37.596 --> 00:26:40.465 Steven Clark. 698 00:26:40.465 --> 00:26:44.502 Your line is open. 699 00:26:44.502 --> 00:26:45.837 >> CONGRATULATIONS on the 700 00:26:45.837 --> 00:26:47.806 success. 701 00:26:47.806 --> 00:26:50.642 My question is for dante. 702 00:26:50.642 --> 00:26:52.510 Are you at any point in the next 703 00:26:52.510 --> 00:26:57.916 few days or weeks expecting to 704 00:26:57.916 --> 00:27:00.418 get an image of the satchel you 705 00:27:00.418 --> 00:27:03.021 collected -- sample you 706 00:27:03.021 --> 00:27:06.324 collected in and if you have any 707 00:27:06.324 --> 00:27:09.327 estimate on the mass estimate 708 00:27:09.327 --> 00:27:11.029 this weekend, thank you. 709 00:27:11.029 --> 00:27:12.964 >> Thank you, Steven. 710 00:27:12.964 --> 00:27:13.665 Absolutely. 711 00:27:13.665 --> 00:27:15.333 I think the next major plight 712 00:27:15.333 --> 00:27:17.602 activity for the spacecraft is 713 00:27:17.602 --> 00:27:21.506 using the Sam cam to image the 714 00:27:21.506 --> 00:27:22.574 head. 715 00:27:22.574 --> 00:27:24.876 Sandy showed an animation of 716 00:27:24.876 --> 00:27:27.512 what that sequence looks like am 717 00:27:27.512 --> 00:27:28.780 we'll be able to look at the 718 00:27:28.780 --> 00:27:30.615 baseplate and CONtact pads. 719 00:27:30.615 --> 00:27:32.550 Based on what I have seen so far 720 00:27:32.550 --> 00:27:34.619 with the ASTEROID surface 721 00:27:34.619 --> 00:27:39.024 crushing under the Sam head I 722 00:27:39.024 --> 00:27:41.693 expect to see it coasted in 723 00:27:41.693 --> 00:27:45.864 black regolithe. 724 00:27:45.864 --> 00:27:47.766 We hope to be able to see inside 725 00:27:47.766 --> 00:27:49.701 the Sam head. 726 00:27:49.701 --> 00:27:52.537 It may be so full no light is 727 00:27:52.537 --> 00:27:54.305 able to penetrate. 728 00:27:54.305 --> 00:27:56.041 I will take that as a win. 729 00:27:56.041 --> 00:27:57.742 But it does require just the 730 00:27:57.742 --> 00:27:59.678 right lighting CONditions for us 731 00:27:59.678 --> 00:28:02.914 to see inside the tag Sam head 732 00:28:02.914 --> 00:28:04.683 and we don't require that to 733 00:28:04.683 --> 00:28:05.350 take place. 734 00:28:05.350 --> 00:28:07.252 The images will be acquired 735 00:28:07.252 --> 00:28:07.752 tomorrow. 736 00:28:07.752 --> 00:28:09.688 Down linked over the next day or 737 00:28:09.688 --> 00:28:11.623 so and obviously we'll be 738 00:28:11.623 --> 00:28:14.793 analyzing those intently. 739 00:28:14.793 --> 00:28:17.362 Remind me of the second part of 740 00:28:17.362 --> 00:28:18.296 your question. 741 00:28:18.296 --> 00:28:20.665 >> Just how precise is this 742 00:28:20.665 --> 00:28:28.440 moment ofi neRTia. 743 00:28:28.440 --> 00:28:30.141 >> The mission requirement is to 744 00:28:30.141 --> 00:28:32.644 bring back 60 grams of 745 00:28:32.644 --> 00:28:33.712 regolithe. 746 00:28:33.712 --> 00:28:35.313 We have done a lot of work with 747 00:28:35.313 --> 00:28:36.981 this team to determine what the 748 00:28:36.981 --> 00:28:38.516 precision on that measurement 749 00:28:38.516 --> 00:28:39.017 is. 750 00:28:39.017 --> 00:28:41.720 We rehearsed it during the 751 00:28:41.720 --> 00:28:43.121 checkpoint and math point 752 00:28:43.121 --> 00:28:43.888 rehearsal. 753 00:28:43.888 --> 00:28:45.990 We are carrying a three sigma 754 00:28:45.990 --> 00:28:48.893 uncertaintiy of about 20 grams 755 00:28:48.893 --> 00:28:50.528 on that measurement. 756 00:28:50.528 --> 00:28:52.764 We have worked through this with 757 00:28:52.764 --> 00:28:56.701 our stake holders at NASA 758 00:28:56.701 --> 00:28:58.603 HEADQUARTERs and 80 grams is the 759 00:28:58.603 --> 00:28:59.537 magic number. 760 00:28:59.537 --> 00:29:01.773 If we see 80 grams or higher we 761 00:29:01.773 --> 00:29:03.842 have a 90% CONfidence of having 762 00:29:03.842 --> 00:29:06.010 collected 60 grams of rego 763 00:29:06.010 --> 00:29:06.611 lithe. 764 00:29:06.611 --> 00:29:11.516 It's a key number I am LOOKING 765 00:29:11.516 --> 00:29:12.383 for. 766 00:29:12.383 --> 00:29:13.351 Below that we have 767 00:29:13.351 --> 00:29:15.887 a conversation with the team to 768 00:29:15.887 --> 00:29:18.056 decide what we think the best 769 00:29:18.056 --> 00:29:19.524 path forward is. 770 00:29:19.524 --> 00:29:21.893 20-gram. three sigma is the 771 00:29:21.893 --> 00:29:23.094 number we have agreed to with 772 00:29:23.094 --> 00:29:25.230 the agency. 773 00:29:25.230 --> 00:29:25.797 >> Thank you. 774 00:29:25.797 --> 00:29:30.769 Operator, next question? 775 00:29:30.769 --> 00:29:35.473 >> Craig Smith. 776 00:29:35.473 --> 00:29:38.243 Your line is open. 777 00:29:38.243 --> 00:29:39.310 >> Thank you. 778 00:29:39.310 --> 00:29:41.713 Question for dante. 779 00:29:41.713 --> 00:29:45.583 How is the -- how is it decided 780 00:29:45.583 --> 00:29:47.318 which organizations get which 781 00:29:47.318 --> 00:29:48.853 share of the collected material? 782 00:29:48.853 --> 00:29:52.857 What share do you expect to 783 00:29:52.857 --> 00:29:54.292 Arizona get? 784 00:29:54.292 --> 00:29:56.628 Please give us an idea of the 785 00:29:56.628 --> 00:30:00.465 researchers who are lined up to 786 00:30:00.465 --> 00:30:02.300 get a look at that material. 787 00:30:02.300 --> 00:30:03.001 >> Thank you. 788 00:30:03.001 --> 00:30:04.536 Great to hear from you. 789 00:30:04.536 --> 00:30:06.805 The sample belongs to NASA and 790 00:30:06.805 --> 00:30:07.705 really to the American 791 00:30:07.705 --> 00:30:09.541 taxpayers. 792 00:30:09.541 --> 00:30:13.444 So the only transfer of sample 793 00:30:13.444 --> 00:30:15.513 authorized is the 4% GOES TO the 794 00:30:15.513 --> 00:30:18.449 canadian Space Agency by mass. 795 00:30:18.449 --> 00:30:21.085 And half a percent GOES TO the 796 00:30:21.085 --> 00:30:24.122 Japanese Space Agency to 797 00:30:24.122 --> 00:30:25.690 reciprocate for their 798 00:30:25.690 --> 00:30:27.492 contributions to the success of 799 00:30:27.492 --> 00:30:28.293 the mission. 800 00:30:28.293 --> 00:30:30.228 The science team I lead will be 801 00:30:30.228 --> 00:30:32.997 allocated 25% of the return mass 802 00:30:32.997 --> 00:30:37.335 and also 25% of the CONtact pads 803 00:30:37.335 --> 00:30:39.838 for our SCIENTIFIC analysis. 804 00:30:39.838 --> 00:30:42.207 It still BELONGs to the agency 805 00:30:42.207 --> 00:30:44.242 and under the control of NASA. 806 00:30:44.242 --> 00:30:46.177 It's allocateED TO me and the 807 00:30:46.177 --> 00:30:48.046 science team through a loan 808 00:30:48.046 --> 00:30:49.414 agreement. 809 00:30:49.414 --> 00:30:51.583 All that aside, we are basically 810 00:30:51.583 --> 00:30:53.852 planning right now on analyzing 811 00:30:53.852 --> 00:30:56.221 25% of the return mass. 812 00:30:56.221 --> 00:30:58.623 And a lot of my activity lately 813 00:30:58.623 --> 00:31:00.225 has been writing my sample 814 00:31:00.225 --> 00:31:01.559 analysis plan. 815 00:31:01.559 --> 00:31:02.861 This has been really exciting to 816 00:31:02.861 --> 00:31:04.329 get to the stage of the program 817 00:31:04.329 --> 00:31:06.197 where we can lay out in detail 818 00:31:06.197 --> 00:31:08.132 the different analysts that will 819 00:31:08.132 --> 00:31:10.702 be LOOKING at the material. 820 00:31:10.702 --> 00:31:11.603 The university of Arizona will 821 00:31:11.603 --> 00:31:14.205 be a central organization in the 822 00:31:14.205 --> 00:31:16.207 analysis of the return material. 823 00:31:16.207 --> 00:31:18.543 We have new LABORATORY WAOES 824 00:31:18.543 --> 00:31:20.378 have installed, a new instrument 825 00:31:20.378 --> 00:31:22.881 being developed right now that 826 00:31:22.881 --> 00:31:27.151 we are LOOKING forward to 827 00:31:27.151 --> 00:31:28.887 analyzing the material with. 828 00:31:28.887 --> 00:31:30.054 It spans the globe. 829 00:31:30.054 --> 00:31:31.289 We have key organizationses in 830 00:31:31.289 --> 00:31:34.726 the United States like goddard, 831 00:31:34.726 --> 00:31:36.928 johnson space center that will 832 00:31:36.928 --> 00:31:38.696 play central roles and team 833 00:31:38.696 --> 00:31:40.431 members in Canada, Japan and 834 00:31:40.431 --> 00:31:42.200 AUSTRALIA, throughout Europe 835 00:31:42.200 --> 00:31:43.768 that are going to be involved in 836 00:31:43.768 --> 00:31:44.903 the program as well. 837 00:31:44.903 --> 00:31:46.404 And we'll be able to talk about 838 00:31:46.404 --> 00:31:48.039 that and roll that plan out over 839 00:31:48.039 --> 00:31:50.174 the next year or so as we 840 00:31:50.174 --> 00:31:52.243 finalize the details on that. 841 00:31:52.243 --> 00:31:54.279 I can tell you based on what I 842 00:31:54.279 --> 00:31:56.080 have seen today, we are looking 843 00:31:56.080 --> 00:31:57.715 at hopefully a lot of material 844 00:31:57.715 --> 00:31:59.484 and a lot of great science 845 00:31:59.484 --> 00:32:00.885 coming out of the sample phase 846 00:32:00.885 --> 00:32:03.154 of OSIRIS-REx. 847 00:32:03.154 --> 00:32:03.588 >> Great. 848 00:32:03.588 --> 00:32:05.790 >> Thank you, CONGRATULATIONS. 849 00:32:05.790 --> 00:32:06.624 >> Operator? 850 00:32:06.624 --> 00:32:11.863 Next question. 851 00:32:11.863 --> 00:32:16.000 >> Leo enright of IRISH TV your 852 00:32:16.000 --> 00:32:16.968 line open. 853 00:32:16.968 --> 00:32:17.869 >> Thank you very much for DOING 854 00:32:17.869 --> 00:32:19.837 THIS and CONGRATULATIONS. 855 00:32:19.837 --> 00:32:21.372 A couple of questions. 856 00:32:21.372 --> 00:32:24.042 One for rich burns. 857 00:32:24.042 --> 00:32:27.578 You mentioned the possibility of 858 00:32:27.578 --> 00:32:30.148 maybe less of a sample than you 859 00:32:30.148 --> 00:32:31.015 had hoped. 860 00:32:31.015 --> 00:32:33.284 I realize this is unlikely, but 861 00:32:33.284 --> 00:32:35.053 if you found you had less of 862 00:32:35.053 --> 00:32:37.155 a sample than you expected, is 863 00:32:37.155 --> 00:32:38.856 there a plan b? 864 00:32:38.856 --> 00:32:42.293 Can you go back or is that it? 865 00:32:42.293 --> 00:32:47.832 And also for the doctor, can you 866 00:32:47.832 --> 00:32:49.300 talk about the rocks we saw. 867 00:32:49.300 --> 00:32:51.836 You mentioned the rocks seemed 868 00:32:51.836 --> 00:32:53.604 to fragment very easily. 869 00:32:53.604 --> 00:32:54.806 What can you say about the 870 00:32:54.806 --> 00:33:00.712 nature of these rocks? 871 00:33:00.712 --> 00:33:02.747 If I picked one up would I be 872 00:33:02.747 --> 00:33:04.515 able to crumble it in my 873 00:33:04.515 --> 00:33:05.516 fingers? 874 00:33:05.516 --> 00:33:06.584 >> Thank you very much for that 875 00:33:06.584 --> 00:33:06.985 question. 876 00:33:06.985 --> 00:33:08.586 It's a great one. 877 00:33:08.586 --> 00:33:10.588 If we for some reason decided 878 00:33:10.588 --> 00:33:14.025 not to stow this sample and 879 00:33:14.025 --> 00:33:15.693 determine the mass was not 880 00:33:15.693 --> 00:33:17.428 sufficient we wanted to go back 881 00:33:17.428 --> 00:33:19.197 we can in fact go back. 882 00:33:19.197 --> 00:33:21.833 We have three nitrogen bottles 883 00:33:21.833 --> 00:33:23.601 that allows us to touch the 884 00:33:23.601 --> 00:33:24.969 surface three times. 885 00:33:24.969 --> 00:33:27.038 We have disturbed as you saw in 886 00:33:27.038 --> 00:33:29.007 the animation, not the 887 00:33:29.007 --> 00:33:31.376 animation, but the images dante 888 00:33:31.376 --> 00:33:32.910 showed, we have disturbed the 889 00:33:32.910 --> 00:33:34.612 surface of nightingale in 890 00:33:34.612 --> 00:33:35.947 a radical way. 891 00:33:35.947 --> 00:33:37.715 We WON'T be going back to 892 00:33:37.715 --> 00:33:39.717 nightingale at least for our 893 00:33:39.717 --> 00:33:40.752 second attempt. 894 00:33:40.752 --> 00:33:42.720 We would go to our back up site 895 00:33:42.720 --> 00:33:48.126 called OSPREY and we are ready 896 00:33:48.126 --> 00:33:50.361 to do that in the mid-January 897 00:33:50.361 --> 00:33:51.195 time frame. 898 00:33:51.195 --> 00:33:53.664 I will turn it over terror dante 899 00:33:53.664 --> 00:33:55.333 for the second part. 900 00:33:55.333 --> 00:33:56.734 >> THE rocks on the ASTEROID 901 00:33:56.734 --> 00:33:58.336 surface have turned out to be 902 00:33:58.336 --> 00:34:00.905 fascinating scientifically and 903 00:34:00.905 --> 00:34:03.141 the team has done an amazing job 904 00:34:03.141 --> 00:34:06.878 of processing the remote data. 905 00:34:06.878 --> 00:34:08.946 I can answer the question that 906 00:34:08.946 --> 00:34:11.182 first of all, the surface seems 907 00:34:11.182 --> 00:34:13.251 to be dodge nated by two -- 908 00:34:13.251 --> 00:34:16.521 dominated by two distinct rock 909 00:34:16.521 --> 00:34:19.123 types a rock that we crushed 910 00:34:19.123 --> 00:34:22.093 under and from recent analysis 911 00:34:22.093 --> 00:34:24.328 using the thermal data how the 912 00:34:24.328 --> 00:34:26.397 rock heats up and cools off we 913 00:34:26.397 --> 00:34:29.100 inferred the rocks might be very 914 00:34:29.100 --> 00:34:31.302 weak compared to what we are 915 00:34:31.302 --> 00:34:32.870 used to dealing with here on 916 00:34:32.870 --> 00:34:33.171 earth. 917 00:34:33.171 --> 00:34:35.139 Most exciting for me as a sample 918 00:34:35.139 --> 00:34:37.208 SCIENTIST, very weak comparED TO 919 00:34:37.208 --> 00:34:39.110 the meterrites in our 920 00:34:39.110 --> 00:34:42.246 collections -- meteoriteses here 921 00:34:42.246 --> 00:34:42.847 on earth. 922 00:34:42.847 --> 00:34:45.983 Our meteorITISs are a BIASed 923 00:34:45.983 --> 00:34:47.985 sample the most sturdy and 924 00:34:47.985 --> 00:34:50.188 strong material that passes 925 00:34:50.188 --> 00:34:51.422 through the earth's ATMOSPHERE. 926 00:34:51.422 --> 00:34:54.425 It looks the like the material 927 00:34:54.425 --> 00:34:57.028 that dominates the surface might 928 00:34:57.028 --> 00:35:00.164 be much more fragile and 929 00:35:00.164 --> 00:35:00.998 appliable. 930 00:35:00.998 --> 00:35:03.134 I can tell you the science team 931 00:35:03.134 --> 00:35:04.869 is excited about the possibility 932 00:35:04.869 --> 00:35:06.737 of getting a direct strength 933 00:35:06.737 --> 00:35:08.039 measurement through detailed 934 00:35:08.039 --> 00:35:12.710 analysis of this detailed image 935 00:35:12.710 --> 00:35:14.412 analysises before and after 936 00:35:14.412 --> 00:35:15.146 CONtact. 937 00:35:15.146 --> 00:35:16.948 The SECOND kind of rock is 938 00:35:16.948 --> 00:35:17.748 brighter. 939 00:35:17.748 --> 00:35:19.383 It tends to be shot through with 940 00:35:19.383 --> 00:35:23.087 bright white veins or 941 00:35:23.087 --> 00:35:24.088 inclusions. 942 00:35:24.088 --> 00:35:25.523 This is a mineral people are 943 00:35:25.523 --> 00:35:27.024 familiar with that forms a kind 944 00:35:27.024 --> 00:35:29.127 of white crud around your 945 00:35:29.127 --> 00:35:31.195 faucets and sinks if you live in 946 00:35:31.195 --> 00:35:33.397 an area with hard water. 947 00:35:33.397 --> 00:35:35.466 The rocks seem to be stronger. 948 00:35:35.466 --> 00:35:36.868 Probably because of the material 949 00:35:36.868 --> 00:35:38.903 that has cemented them together. 950 00:35:38.903 --> 00:35:40.838 We do see maybe hint there is 951 00:35:40.838 --> 00:35:42.306 were some of the brighter 952 00:35:42.306 --> 00:35:44.475 material, smaller fragments 953 00:35:44.475 --> 00:35:47.478 under the tag Samhead and the 954 00:35:47.478 --> 00:35:50.348 team is going in for analysis to 955 00:35:50.348 --> 00:35:51.716 see if that the case. 956 00:35:51.716 --> 00:35:56.854 Mineralogically they are 957 00:35:56.854 --> 00:35:59.157 dominated by HYDRATed mineral, 958 00:35:59.157 --> 00:36:00.858 clays that have water contained 959 00:36:00.858 --> 00:36:02.693 in their crystal structure. 960 00:36:02.693 --> 00:36:03.961 That's very exciting 961 00:36:03.961 --> 00:36:05.329 scientifically. 962 00:36:05.329 --> 00:36:08.099 We have seen an iron oxid called 963 00:36:08.099 --> 00:36:13.004 magnetight and Abundand hydrogen 964 00:36:13.004 --> 00:36:14.438 bonded material which is what 965 00:36:14.438 --> 00:36:17.208 this mission is about bringing 966 00:36:17.208 --> 00:36:22.880 home carbonATE material we 967 00:36:22.880 --> 00:36:24.382 talked about earlier. 968 00:36:24.382 --> 00:36:34.625 >> Next question? 969 00:36:34.625 --> 00:36:37.028 >> CONGRATULATIONS. 970 00:36:37.028 --> 00:36:38.029 Super exciting. 971 00:36:38.029 --> 00:36:42.266 I know that we are pleased and 972 00:36:42.266 --> 00:36:43.768 over the ASTEROID for all you 973 00:36:43.768 --> 00:36:44.435 guys. 974 00:36:44.435 --> 00:36:48.005 I wonder from images you have 975 00:36:48.005 --> 00:36:49.106 currently. 976 00:36:49.106 --> 00:36:51.242 In Monday's press conferences 977 00:36:51.242 --> 00:36:53.644 there was a lot of conversation 978 00:36:53.644 --> 00:36:55.880 about diversity in regards to 979 00:36:55.880 --> 00:36:58.416 the size of the sample pieces 980 00:36:58.416 --> 00:37:00.785 and the material and everything. 981 00:37:00.785 --> 00:37:02.520 Is there any clues from the 982 00:37:02.520 --> 00:37:03.888 images that you have currently 983 00:37:03.888 --> 00:37:05.957 we have a good diversity of 984 00:37:05.957 --> 00:37:08.826 small pieces and pieces closer 985 00:37:08.826 --> 00:37:10.861 TO THE 2-centimeter mark and 986 00:37:10.861 --> 00:37:12.430 different type of material as 987 00:37:12.430 --> 00:37:13.431 well? 988 00:37:13.431 --> 00:37:17.235 That's for TKAPBTS dante or 989 00:37:17.235 --> 00:37:18.803 anyone who can answer. 990 00:37:18.803 --> 00:37:20.471 >> I CAN say just within the 991 00:37:20.471 --> 00:37:22.240 past hour or so I got the 992 00:37:22.240 --> 00:37:25.943 analysis from my image PROCESSES 993 00:37:25.943 --> 00:37:28.813 team where the EXACT location 994 00:37:28.813 --> 00:37:32.250 the Samhead made CONtact. 995 00:37:32.250 --> 00:37:34.385 They are busy analyzing THAT. 996 00:37:34.385 --> 00:37:36.854 It does appear that we made 997 00:37:36.854 --> 00:37:39.090 CONtact with an area that had 998 00:37:39.090 --> 00:37:40.591 already been mapped out and 999 00:37:40.591 --> 00:37:43.294 verified to contain abundant 1000 00:37:43.294 --> 00:37:45.129 samplable material. 1001 00:37:45.129 --> 00:37:47.031 The imaging resolution during 1002 00:37:47.031 --> 00:37:50.167 the reCONc characterization of 1003 00:37:50.167 --> 00:37:52.203 nightingale we got down to the 1004 00:37:52.203 --> 00:37:54.939 4-millimeter per pixel scale. 1005 00:37:54.939 --> 00:37:56.874 This REGION does look really 1006 00:37:56.874 --> 00:37:57.942 sampleABLE. 1007 00:37:57.942 --> 00:37:59.844 Lots of small particles and the 1008 00:37:59.844 --> 00:38:01.212 fact the material just crushed 1009 00:38:01.212 --> 00:38:05.216 under will add more smaller 1010 00:38:05.216 --> 00:38:06.417 particles to collect. 1011 00:38:06.417 --> 00:38:07.551 I don't want to answer the 1012 00:38:07.551 --> 00:38:08.953 question just yet about the 1013 00:38:08.953 --> 00:38:10.988 diversity of the rock types yet 1014 00:38:10.988 --> 00:38:12.223 because the team is still 1015 00:38:12.223 --> 00:38:13.724 processing that up to the 1016 00:38:13.724 --> 00:38:18.562 beginning of the media briefing. 1017 00:38:18.562 --> 00:38:22.566 >> Operator, next question. 1018 00:38:22.566 --> 00:38:34.512 >> Thank you. 1019 00:38:34.512 --> 00:38:38.049 The line is open. 1020 00:38:38.049 --> 00:38:39.016 >> Thank you. 1021 00:38:39.016 --> 00:38:40.518 I wonder if you could explain 1022 00:38:40.518 --> 00:38:42.486 more about how you will measure 1023 00:38:42.486 --> 00:38:46.490 how much sample you have 1024 00:38:46.490 --> 00:38:48.092 collected besides the 1025 00:38:48.092 --> 00:38:49.860 possibility of images. 1026 00:38:49.860 --> 00:38:52.196 >> Yes, so we have's sample mass 1027 00:38:52.196 --> 00:38:53.431 measurement activity. 1028 00:38:53.431 --> 00:38:57.168 We have been practicing this as 1029 00:38:57.168 --> 00:39:00.404 mentioned around our checkpoint 1030 00:39:00.404 --> 00:39:02.340 and match point activities where 1031 00:39:02.340 --> 00:39:05.910 we can measure the moment of 1032 00:39:05.910 --> 00:39:08.012 inertia and doing that before 1033 00:39:08.012 --> 00:39:11.782 tag and that same activity after 1034 00:39:11.782 --> 00:39:13.017 tag we can take the 1035 00:39:13.017 --> 00:39:13.884 measurements. 1036 00:39:13.884 --> 00:39:16.354 We did perform our sample mass 1037 00:39:16.354 --> 00:39:17.822 measurement activity about 10 1038 00:39:17.822 --> 00:39:19.423 days ago and will do the post 1039 00:39:19.423 --> 00:39:21.359 tag this Saturday and be able to 1040 00:39:21.359 --> 00:39:23.027 take the two measurements and 1041 00:39:23.027 --> 00:39:24.362 look at the difference of them 1042 00:39:24.362 --> 00:39:27.698 to get the measurement to see 1043 00:39:27.698 --> 00:39:29.600 how much mass is in the tag 1044 00:39:29.600 --> 00:39:32.370 Samhead. 1045 00:39:32.370 --> 00:39:34.305 >> Operator, next question. 1046 00:39:34.305 --> 00:39:39.844 >> Thank you. 1047 00:39:39.844 --> 00:39:42.580 The line is open. 1048 00:39:42.580 --> 00:39:44.482 >> Thank you, everyone for 1049 00:39:44.482 --> 00:39:45.616 taking my call. 1050 00:39:45.616 --> 00:39:46.917 CONGRATULATIONS to the entire 1051 00:39:46.917 --> 00:39:52.289 team. 1052 00:39:52.289 --> 00:39:55.292 What are the reasons for waiting 1053 00:39:55.292 --> 00:39:57.361 to January for a SECOND attempt 1054 00:39:57.361 --> 00:39:59.830 and if a third is needed have 1055 00:39:59.830 --> 00:40:03.267 you determined what place, what 1056 00:40:03.267 --> 00:40:04.769 site? 1057 00:40:04.769 --> 00:40:05.436 >> Great question. 1058 00:40:05.436 --> 00:40:06.704 The reason we would do a second 1059 00:40:06.704 --> 00:40:09.907 attempt at OSPREY in January we 1060 00:40:09.907 --> 00:40:12.076 ever backing away from the 1061 00:40:12.076 --> 00:40:13.744 ASTEROID right now and I 1062 00:40:13.744 --> 00:40:15.913 mentioned we would be about 1063 00:40:15.913 --> 00:40:17.681 80-kilometers when we make 1064 00:40:17.681 --> 00:40:20.518 a maneuver to arrest that drift 1065 00:40:20.518 --> 00:40:21.619 away on Friday. 1066 00:40:21.619 --> 00:40:24.121 That will put us on a trajectory 1067 00:40:24.121 --> 00:40:26.023 that goes to an away point where 1068 00:40:26.023 --> 00:40:28.826 we can re-enter orbit. 1069 00:40:28.826 --> 00:40:31.395 You see the orbit just shown is 1070 00:40:31.395 --> 00:40:36.567 a tenuous trick to get into. 1071 00:40:36.567 --> 00:40:39.270 It was 500 meters in diameter 1072 00:40:39.270 --> 00:40:41.071 and the gravity field is weak. 1073 00:40:41.071 --> 00:40:45.209 Just GETTING INTO orbit takes 1074 00:40:45.209 --> 00:40:48.746 weeks of maneuvers to get there 1075 00:40:48.746 --> 00:40:53.250 and we depart for the next 1076 00:40:53.250 --> 00:40:55.219 sample collection attempt at the 1077 00:40:55.219 --> 00:40:56.153 right latitude. 1078 00:40:56.153 --> 00:40:57.488 All of that take business weeks 1079 00:40:57.488 --> 00:41:01.559 of planning and -- takes weeks 1080 00:41:01.559 --> 00:41:03.060 of preparation and planning and 1081 00:41:03.060 --> 00:41:05.496 to tag at a different site that 1082 00:41:05.496 --> 00:41:16.173 involves and that runs out to 1083 00:41:16.173 --> 00:41:16.707 January. 1084 00:41:16.707 --> 00:41:18.275 The third sample attempt would 1085 00:41:18.275 --> 00:41:22.346 be, to be determined date most 1086 00:41:22.346 --> 00:41:26.250 likely in march when we would 1087 00:41:26.250 --> 00:41:27.618 attempt a third attempt. 1088 00:41:27.618 --> 00:41:29.119 It largely DEPENDs on what 1089 00:41:29.119 --> 00:41:30.855 happens at OSPREY. 1090 00:41:30.855 --> 00:41:34.725 If we were to go to OSpee in 1091 00:41:34.725 --> 00:41:37.061 January and wave -- OSPREY and 1092 00:41:37.061 --> 00:41:40.464 wave off abort and not touch the 1093 00:41:40.464 --> 00:41:42.733 surface and not disturb OSPREY 1094 00:41:42.733 --> 00:41:46.070 as the dramatic DISTURBANCE of 1095 00:41:46.070 --> 00:41:48.172 nightingale we go back to 1096 00:41:48.172 --> 00:41:48.706 OSPREY. 1097 00:41:48.706 --> 00:41:52.810 If we did disturb OSPREY we 1098 00:41:52.810 --> 00:41:54.278 would have to perform more 1099 00:41:54.278 --> 00:41:56.347 reconnaissance over one of the 1100 00:41:56.347 --> 00:41:58.415 two, nightsing gale ors on PRAOE 1101 00:41:58.415 --> 00:42:01.986 or follow -- OSPREY or follow 1102 00:42:01.986 --> 00:42:03.954 some other path. 1103 00:42:03.954 --> 00:42:06.790 We use optical navigation. 1104 00:42:06.790 --> 00:42:08.592 Much as you are driving to 1105 00:42:08.592 --> 00:42:10.361 a location and know where you 1106 00:42:10.361 --> 00:42:12.029 are where a gas station is or 1107 00:42:12.029 --> 00:42:14.331 super market, the spacecraft 1108 00:42:14.331 --> 00:42:16.567 knows where it is by features on 1109 00:42:16.567 --> 00:42:17.635 the surface. 1110 00:42:17.635 --> 00:42:19.436 Groups of rocks that cast 1111 00:42:19.436 --> 00:42:21.972 shadows or clusters of rocks 1112 00:42:21.972 --> 00:42:24.208 that have distinctive features 1113 00:42:24.208 --> 00:42:26.343 are recognized in the imagery as 1114 00:42:26.343 --> 00:42:28.245 it deSENDs and knows where to go 1115 00:42:28.245 --> 00:42:30.080 and knows to take the right turn 1116 00:42:30.080 --> 00:42:33.450 at the super market. 1117 00:42:33.450 --> 00:42:35.619 Wonts we disturb the features 1118 00:42:35.619 --> 00:42:38.255 that means we are going to need 1119 00:42:38.255 --> 00:42:40.891 to take more images and build 1120 00:42:40.891 --> 00:42:43.661 a new set of feature cat lag 1121 00:42:43.661 --> 00:42:45.496 logs to teach the spacecraft 1122 00:42:45.496 --> 00:42:47.464 where the grocery store is. 1123 00:42:47.464 --> 00:42:48.399 >> Thank you. 1124 00:42:48.399 --> 00:42:59.376 Operator, next question please. 1125 00:42:59.376 --> 00:43:01.745 >> Your line is open. 1126 00:43:01.745 --> 00:43:02.680 >> CONGRATULATIONS to everybody 1127 00:43:02.680 --> 00:43:05.049 involved in the mission. 1128 00:43:05.049 --> 00:43:06.383 What was one of the biggest 1129 00:43:06.383 --> 00:43:08.686 DISCOVERIES that you made in 1130 00:43:08.686 --> 00:43:12.423 making CONtact with the ASTEROID 1131 00:43:12.423 --> 00:43:14.491 that you didn't expect? 1132 00:43:14.491 --> 00:43:17.328 And my second question is what 1133 00:43:17.328 --> 00:43:24.401 is the future applicability with 1134 00:43:24.401 --> 00:43:26.303 projects utilized on the 1135 00:43:26.303 --> 00:43:27.471 spacecraft. 1136 00:43:27.471 --> 00:43:30.140 >> I will take the discovery 1137 00:43:30.140 --> 00:43:30.641 question. 1138 00:43:30.641 --> 00:43:32.743 >> We had the data down for just 1139 00:43:32.743 --> 00:43:34.845 a little over 13 hours and the 1140 00:43:34.845 --> 00:43:38.382 DISCOVERIES are still to come. 1141 00:43:38.382 --> 00:43:40.718 What I was LOOKING at this 1142 00:43:40.718 --> 00:43:43.587 morning at 2:00 Denver time 1143 00:43:43.587 --> 00:43:46.256 after a very exciting event how 1144 00:43:46.256 --> 00:43:47.658 does it look in terms ever 1145 00:43:47.658 --> 00:43:48.926 getting a sample. 1146 00:43:48.926 --> 00:43:50.194 It is something we'll think of 1147 00:43:50.194 --> 00:43:51.161 down the road. 1148 00:43:51.161 --> 00:43:54.298 I can tell you that I was 1149 00:43:54.298 --> 00:43:55.866 hopeful that the surface was 1150 00:43:55.866 --> 00:43:58.302 going to be soft and crushable. 1151 00:43:58.302 --> 00:44:00.037 That was CONfirmed by our 1152 00:44:00.037 --> 00:44:03.707 CONtact with the tag Samhead 1153 00:44:03.707 --> 00:44:05.542 analysis and images. 1154 00:44:05.542 --> 00:44:06.844 That is really good news. 1155 00:44:06.844 --> 00:44:09.446 I am pretty focused on sampling 1156 00:44:09.446 --> 00:44:10.180 success right now. 1157 00:44:10.180 --> 00:44:11.815 I will tell you the science team 1158 00:44:11.815 --> 00:44:13.617 is busy in a couple of different 1159 00:44:13.617 --> 00:44:17.121 areas. 1160 00:44:17.121 --> 00:44:18.055 They are working through 1161 00:44:18.055 --> 00:44:20.591 a detailed analysis with 1162 00:44:20.591 --> 00:44:23.994 additional data navigation 1163 00:44:23.994 --> 00:44:26.463 guidance and control team that 1164 00:44:26.463 --> 00:44:27.931 happened when the spacecraft was 1165 00:44:27.931 --> 00:44:30.834 in CONtact for six seconds. 1166 00:44:30.834 --> 00:44:32.369 It will tell us about the 1167 00:44:32.369 --> 00:44:34.705 perPOERPLance and a follow on 1168 00:44:34.705 --> 00:44:36.507 science we'll be able to do with 1169 00:44:36.507 --> 00:44:40.210 the information. 1170 00:44:40.210 --> 00:44:42.079 The big discovery is it looked 1171 00:44:42.079 --> 00:44:45.149 really samplable and the tag 1172 00:44:45.149 --> 00:44:50.621 Sam -- Samhead pushed into the 1173 00:44:50.621 --> 00:44:51.488 surface. 1174 00:44:51.488 --> 00:44:53.157 We have the activities sandy 1175 00:44:53.157 --> 00:44:55.225 walked us through to verify all 1176 00:44:55.225 --> 00:44:55.693 that. 1177 00:44:55.693 --> 00:44:56.960 The trend right now is that we 1178 00:44:56.960 --> 00:44:58.595 have sample and we were 1179 00:44:58.595 --> 00:44:59.930 successful here based on 1180 00:44:59.930 --> 00:45:04.334 analysis of the image. 1181 00:45:04.334 --> 00:45:06.303 >> I would love to speak to the 1182 00:45:06.303 --> 00:45:08.038 second part of that question. 1183 00:45:08.038 --> 00:45:09.239 The question was what 1184 00:45:09.239 --> 00:45:12.376 technologies on board the 1185 00:45:12.376 --> 00:45:14.912 spacecraft can enable future 1186 00:45:14.912 --> 00:45:18.582 missions and I think one of the 1187 00:45:18.582 --> 00:45:21.218 most amazing technology system 1188 00:45:21.218 --> 00:45:23.887 the optical navigation system. 1189 00:45:23.887 --> 00:45:25.656 I TALKED ABOUT what we called 1190 00:45:25.656 --> 00:45:27.424 natural feature tracking. 1191 00:45:27.424 --> 00:45:30.728 It has an amazing sore story. 1192 00:45:30.728 --> 00:45:35.199 It was designed to use a light 1193 00:45:35.199 --> 00:45:36.734 arm to measure the altitude to 1194 00:45:36.734 --> 00:45:39.203 the surface as its primary 1195 00:45:39.203 --> 00:45:43.674 sensor to do the navigation of 1196 00:45:43.674 --> 00:45:45.275 the surface. 1197 00:45:45.275 --> 00:45:49.880 Natural future tracking was 1198 00:45:49.880 --> 00:45:52.149 added around the design review 1199 00:45:52.149 --> 00:45:53.951 time period to have a back up 1200 00:45:53.951 --> 00:45:54.485 solution. 1201 00:45:54.485 --> 00:45:56.453 As I mentioned, what it does is 1202 00:45:56.453 --> 00:45:58.589 recognize features on the 1203 00:45:58.589 --> 00:46:00.424 surface of the ASTEROID and 1204 00:46:00.424 --> 00:46:02.526 update its own sense of its 1205 00:46:02.526 --> 00:46:02.960 position. 1206 00:46:02.960 --> 00:46:04.461 It knows where to go in the 1207 00:46:04.461 --> 00:46:05.829 future. 1208 00:46:05.829 --> 00:46:09.199 Now this technology being added 1209 00:46:09.199 --> 00:46:11.835 late in the game was done by our 1210 00:46:11.835 --> 00:46:13.704 colleagues at LOCKHEED martin 1211 00:46:13.704 --> 00:46:18.008 and was an amazing ENGINEERing 1212 00:46:18.008 --> 00:46:19.209 accomplishment and one of the 1213 00:46:19.209 --> 00:46:22.412 most amazing performances of the 1214 00:46:22.412 --> 00:46:24.248 system yesterday was just how 1215 00:46:24.248 --> 00:46:26.350 well that system performed 1216 00:46:26.350 --> 00:46:29.720 relative to our simulations of 1217 00:46:29.720 --> 00:46:30.420 it. 1218 00:46:30.420 --> 00:46:32.756 Optical navigation systems are 1219 00:46:32.756 --> 00:46:35.592 notorius for not per forming as 1220 00:46:35.592 --> 00:46:38.462 expected and this performed 1221 00:46:38.462 --> 00:46:40.430 exactly as expected and allowed 1222 00:46:40.430 --> 00:46:41.765 us to hit the target within 1223 00:46:41.765 --> 00:46:42.266 a meter. 1224 00:46:42.266 --> 00:46:43.901 Our colleagues at lock hood 1225 00:46:43.901 --> 00:46:46.236 martin deserve a lot of "there 1226 00:46:46.236 --> 00:46:47.137 are that. 1227 00:46:47.137 --> 00:46:49.206 How that -- a lot of credit for 1228 00:46:49.206 --> 00:46:49.473 that. 1229 00:46:49.473 --> 00:46:50.908 How it will apply in the future 1230 00:46:50.908 --> 00:47:00.450 will ALLOW forautonomous 1231 00:47:00.450 --> 00:47:03.687 navigation around hazardous or 1232 00:47:03.687 --> 00:47:06.757 non-hazardous environments. 1233 00:47:06.757 --> 00:47:10.828 >> I would like to point out 1234 00:47:10.828 --> 00:47:12.830 future tracking I can see useful 1235 00:47:12.830 --> 00:47:16.233 in the FUTURE AND tag Sam is new 1236 00:47:16.233 --> 00:47:18.335 technology flying Aboard the 1237 00:47:18.335 --> 00:47:19.770 spacecraft and you can see that 1238 00:47:19.770 --> 00:47:22.639 going forward for sample 1239 00:47:22.639 --> 00:47:24.474 missions and return missions. 1240 00:47:24.474 --> 00:47:26.043 >> One more quick question for 1241 00:47:26.043 --> 00:47:29.112 the NASA representative. 1242 00:47:29.112 --> 00:47:30.647 Is this the first time working 1243 00:47:30.647 --> 00:47:32.416 with the university of Arizona? 1244 00:47:32.416 --> 00:47:38.155 What does this say about the 1245 00:47:38.155 --> 00:47:39.857 school and future projects with 1246 00:47:39.857 --> 00:47:44.428 the school? 1247 00:47:44.428 --> 00:47:54.504 >> This is not the first time. 1248 00:47:54.504 --> 00:47:58.642 To be meccas of planetary 1249 00:47:58.642 --> 00:48:03.714 science and investigator of 1250 00:48:03.714 --> 00:48:05.415 multiple missions and continues 1251 00:48:05.415 --> 00:48:07.885 to compete very well in many 1252 00:48:07.885 --> 00:48:12.189 different areas. 1253 00:48:12.189 --> 00:48:14.157 And planetary science. 1254 00:48:14.157 --> 00:48:15.926 The yesterday of SAEURGZ one of 1255 00:48:15.926 --> 00:48:17.694 the top LEADERS in the whole 1256 00:48:17.694 --> 00:48:18.462 country. 1257 00:48:18.462 --> 00:48:20.063 >> What did you say about 1258 00:48:20.063 --> 00:48:21.098 Arizona state university as 1259 00:48:21.098 --> 00:48:22.499 well? 1260 00:48:22.499 --> 00:48:23.834 >> Arizona state university 1261 00:48:23.834 --> 00:48:27.004 frankly is lined up the top 1262 00:48:27.004 --> 00:48:34.111 universities of planetary and 1263 00:48:34.111 --> 00:48:36.179 rank in the top part of such 1264 00:48:36.179 --> 00:48:38.015 a ranking. 1265 00:48:38.015 --> 00:48:39.716 Arizona state also at this 1266 00:48:39.716 --> 00:48:41.151 moment in time for example has 1267 00:48:41.151 --> 00:48:46.723 a principal investigator, 1268 00:48:46.723 --> 00:48:48.292 instruments being built for 1269 00:48:48.292 --> 00:48:50.060 other missions and Arizona state 1270 00:48:50.060 --> 00:48:52.396 is a RELcritical partner for 1271 00:48:52.396 --> 00:48:54.731 NASA -- a really critical 1272 00:48:54.731 --> 00:48:57.968 partner for NASA. 1273 00:48:57.968 --> 00:48:59.569 >> Thank you very much for your 1274 00:48:59.569 --> 00:48:59.836 time. 1275 00:48:59.836 --> 00:49:02.906 >> Thank you. 1276 00:49:02.906 --> 00:49:11.682 Operator, next question. 1277 00:49:11.682 --> 00:49:15.519 >> Your line is open. 1278 00:49:15.519 --> 00:49:18.922 >> CONGRATULATIONS to everyone. 1279 00:49:18.922 --> 00:49:20.590 A couple of questions on the 1280 00:49:20.590 --> 00:49:23.927 series of images released and 1281 00:49:23.927 --> 00:49:26.196 the RUBBLE cloud this picked up. 1282 00:49:26.196 --> 00:49:28.131 Did your agency glean anything 1283 00:49:28.131 --> 00:49:29.766 about the surface material from 1284 00:49:29.766 --> 00:49:32.235 the dynamics of that cloud and 1285 00:49:32.235 --> 00:49:34.938 the particles? 1286 00:49:34.938 --> 00:49:39.876 And what kind of safeguards or 1287 00:49:39.876 --> 00:49:42.012 system checks are in place to 1288 00:49:42.012 --> 00:49:43.280 make sure the craft wasn't 1289 00:49:43.280 --> 00:49:44.214 damaged? 1290 00:49:44.214 --> 00:49:46.750 Finally I am just curious the 1291 00:49:46.750 --> 00:49:49.886 time between the images. 1292 00:49:49.886 --> 00:49:51.922 The train rate of the video. 1293 00:49:51.922 --> 00:49:54.591 >> I will answer the imaging 1294 00:49:54.591 --> 00:49:56.059 questions and hand it over to 1295 00:49:56.059 --> 00:49:58.628 safety. 1296 00:49:58.628 --> 00:50:01.832 The images are 1.25 SECONDs 1297 00:50:01.832 --> 00:50:02.532 apart. 1298 00:50:02.532 --> 00:50:04.201 The first version I showed the 1299 00:50:04.201 --> 00:50:08.638 larger sequence was sped up by 1300 00:50:08.638 --> 00:50:10.207 quite a bit relative to the 1301 00:50:10.207 --> 00:50:11.942 frame rate n. terms of the 1302 00:50:11.942 --> 00:50:14.878 debris clouds, absolutely Tis 1303 00:50:14.878 --> 00:50:19.983 impressive the fragments we see 1304 00:50:19.983 --> 00:50:21.151 flying around. 1305 00:50:21.151 --> 00:50:22.586 There are large particles. 1306 00:50:22.586 --> 00:50:24.688 One thing the science team has 1307 00:50:24.688 --> 00:50:27.324 start sidetracking the 1308 00:50:27.324 --> 00:50:29.826 trajectory of the particles as 1309 00:50:29.826 --> 00:50:32.329 we see them mobilizing. 1310 00:50:32.329 --> 00:50:34.197 We are slowing them down and 1311 00:50:34.197 --> 00:50:35.298 identifying individual 1312 00:50:35.298 --> 00:50:36.133 particles. 1313 00:50:36.133 --> 00:50:37.868 There are other images too that 1314 00:50:37.868 --> 00:50:39.302 we collected with a different 1315 00:50:39.302 --> 00:50:42.205 camera called the nAv-cam for 1316 00:50:42.205 --> 00:50:44.074 the natural feature tracking. 1317 00:50:44.074 --> 00:50:45.475 I was getting a quick look at 1318 00:50:45.475 --> 00:50:47.077 those before the media 1319 00:50:47.077 --> 00:50:48.945 conference fresh off the 1320 00:50:48.945 --> 00:50:50.714 spacecraft and we are processing 1321 00:50:50.714 --> 00:50:52.249 those and analyzing those and 1322 00:50:52.249 --> 00:50:54.017 they will be released later this 1323 00:50:54.017 --> 00:50:54.351 week. 1324 00:50:54.351 --> 00:50:56.453 It gives a wider field of view 1325 00:50:56.453 --> 00:50:57.821 as well and we are getING THIS 1326 00:50:57.821 --> 00:50:59.923 great point of view of the 1327 00:50:59.923 --> 00:51:08.065 Samcam and the nAv-cam. 1328 00:51:08.065 --> 00:51:10.867 It will be a nice image pair. 1329 00:51:10.867 --> 00:51:12.636 I think the final thing to point 1330 00:51:12.636 --> 00:51:15.105 out is the initial ejection of 1331 00:51:15.105 --> 00:51:18.141 particles comes from the tag Sam 1332 00:51:18.141 --> 00:51:20.210 gas as blown down through the 1333 00:51:20.210 --> 00:51:21.678 sample collector head. 1334 00:51:21.678 --> 00:51:23.246 We were only in CONtact with 1335 00:51:23.246 --> 00:51:25.282 that ASTEROID for six seconds 1336 00:51:25.282 --> 00:51:26.083 after that point. 1337 00:51:26.083 --> 00:51:28.418 The back away thrusters fired 1338 00:51:28.418 --> 00:51:31.588 and kicked up a SECOND set of 1339 00:51:31.588 --> 00:51:32.556 cloud and debris. 1340 00:51:32.556 --> 00:51:35.525 We are still disentangling, what 1341 00:51:35.525 --> 00:51:39.696 was LIBERATed by tag Sam and the 1342 00:51:39.696 --> 00:51:43.233 thrusters and the nAv-cam images 1343 00:51:43.233 --> 00:51:44.401 are pretty fresh. 1344 00:51:44.401 --> 00:51:45.936 We got a 86 look at those. 1345 00:51:45.936 --> 00:51:47.304 -- quick look at those. 1346 00:51:47.304 --> 00:51:49.072 They are impressive but we are 1347 00:51:49.072 --> 00:51:51.174 not ready to release those. 1348 00:51:51.174 --> 00:51:52.309 We HAVEN'T had a chance to 1349 00:51:52.309 --> 00:51:54.711 process themselves ourselves 1350 00:51:54.711 --> 00:51:55.479 quite yet. 1351 00:51:55.479 --> 00:51:57.647 I will hand it over to sandy. 1352 00:51:57.647 --> 00:51:58.915 >> The spacecraft was designed 1353 00:51:58.915 --> 00:51:59.382 for this. 1354 00:51:59.382 --> 00:52:01.218 We knew when we made CONtact we 1355 00:52:01.218 --> 00:52:03.820 were going to stir up a lot of 1356 00:52:03.820 --> 00:52:07.624 regolithe and a make sure we 1357 00:52:07.624 --> 00:52:09.726 would keep the spacecraft sieve. 1358 00:52:09.726 --> 00:52:11.528 By monitoring this spacecraft 1359 00:52:11.528 --> 00:52:13.396 over the last close to 24 hours 1360 00:52:13.396 --> 00:52:15.365 now we have been able to see 1361 00:52:15.365 --> 00:52:17.767 a number of components and are 1362 00:52:17.767 --> 00:52:19.769 trending as subsystems do 1363 00:52:19.769 --> 00:52:21.104 throughout making sure things 1364 00:52:21.104 --> 00:52:22.672 are going as planned. 1365 00:52:22.672 --> 00:52:24.341 They are not seeing any changes 1366 00:52:24.341 --> 00:52:26.009 in their measurements. 1367 00:52:26.009 --> 00:52:28.245 Now next week early NEXT week, 1368 00:52:28.245 --> 00:52:29.379 Monday we'll be doing 1369 00:52:29.379 --> 00:52:31.148 a spacecraft check out where we 1370 00:52:31.148 --> 00:52:33.416 get a chance to take star camera 1371 00:52:33.416 --> 00:52:35.418 images on the primary tracker 1372 00:52:35.418 --> 00:52:37.554 and redundant tracker and other 1373 00:52:37.554 --> 00:52:40.023 ENGINEERing activities to better 1374 00:52:40.023 --> 00:52:42.159 inform us if we have had 1375 00:52:42.159 --> 00:52:45.028 degradation on the vehicle. 1376 00:52:45.028 --> 00:52:53.069 >> Next question. 1377 00:52:53.069 --> 00:52:56.106 >> Your line is open. 1378 00:52:56.106 --> 00:52:57.073 >> Thank you for taking my 1379 00:52:57.073 --> 00:52:57.507 question. 1380 00:52:57.507 --> 00:52:59.943 I was wonder figure you knew if 1381 00:52:59.943 --> 00:53:04.047 any -- wondering if you knew of 1382 00:53:04.047 --> 00:53:06.016 anything that was tossed up in 1383 00:53:06.016 --> 00:53:09.052 space would end up the earth and 1384 00:53:09.052 --> 00:53:11.021 maybe you just created a new 1385 00:53:11.021 --> 00:53:14.357 METEOR shower. 1386 00:53:14.357 --> 00:53:15.892 >> I will answer that one. 1387 00:53:15.892 --> 00:53:17.494 I think you read my mind. 1388 00:53:17.494 --> 00:53:19.529 I have been thinking about that. 1389 00:53:19.529 --> 00:53:21.698 We have thought about that as I 1390 00:53:21.698 --> 00:53:22.999 mentioned yesterday and talked 1391 00:53:22.999 --> 00:53:25.402 about for quite a while on the 1392 00:53:25.402 --> 00:53:26.002 mission. 1393 00:53:26.002 --> 00:53:28.305 It is already kicking particles 1394 00:53:28.305 --> 00:53:29.372 off the surface. 1395 00:53:29.372 --> 00:53:30.840 One of the things we are doing 1396 00:53:30.840 --> 00:53:33.410 is monitoring for a meteor 1397 00:53:33.410 --> 00:53:35.645 shower that would occur in the 1398 00:53:35.645 --> 00:53:37.214 southern hemisphere in the third 1399 00:53:37.214 --> 00:53:39.349 week of September when the orbit 1400 00:53:39.349 --> 00:53:41.051 crosses that of the earth's 1401 00:53:41.051 --> 00:53:41.818 orbit. 1402 00:53:41.818 --> 00:53:45.121 We had data we just RECENTLY 1403 00:53:45.121 --> 00:53:46.489 received from the meteor 1404 00:53:46.489 --> 00:53:49.059 campaign and processing that to 1405 00:53:49.059 --> 00:53:54.030 see if maybe there say small 1406 00:53:54.030 --> 00:53:57.267 signal of natural meteors THAT. 1407 00:53:57.267 --> 00:53:58.668 Study is something we are 1408 00:53:58.668 --> 00:53:59.703 already pursuing. 1409 00:53:59.703 --> 00:54:01.972 I will go back to that team that 1410 00:54:01.972 --> 00:54:03.340 is responsible for that 1411 00:54:03.340 --> 00:54:04.441 investigation with your exact 1412 00:54:04.441 --> 00:54:04.808 question. 1413 00:54:04.808 --> 00:54:06.943 I haven't had a chance to ask 1414 00:54:06.943 --> 00:54:07.577 them that. 1415 00:54:07.577 --> 00:54:09.646 I didn't dare to hope we would 1416 00:54:09.646 --> 00:54:11.581 KICK UP as much as we are seeing 1417 00:54:11.581 --> 00:54:12.782 here. 1418 00:54:12.782 --> 00:54:13.917 I am not sure. 1419 00:54:13.917 --> 00:54:16.086 But it's a question I have asked 1420 00:54:16.086 --> 00:54:17.654 myself and we have team members 1421 00:54:17.654 --> 00:54:19.689 knowing about that based on the 1422 00:54:19.689 --> 00:54:21.057 natural part California ejection 1423 00:54:21.057 --> 00:54:23.994 events -- particle ejection 1424 00:54:23.994 --> 00:54:24.894 events. 1425 00:54:24.894 --> 00:54:26.363 We just need time to push 1426 00:54:26.363 --> 00:54:27.564 through this exciting 1427 00:54:27.564 --> 00:54:29.032 operational phase of the program 1428 00:54:29.032 --> 00:54:30.500 and start to think about the 1429 00:54:30.500 --> 00:54:32.235 long-TERM science employ 1430 00:54:32.235 --> 00:54:33.103 indications. 1431 00:54:33.103 --> 00:54:34.571 -- implications. 1432 00:54:34.571 --> 00:54:38.608 We have -- tag was a great 1433 00:54:38.608 --> 00:54:41.177 science experiment and a lot of 1434 00:54:41.177 --> 00:54:42.512 work coming out television and 1435 00:54:42.512 --> 00:54:43.913 we need time to get it 1436 00:54:43.913 --> 00:54:46.216 calibrated, processed and spend 1437 00:54:46.216 --> 00:54:47.784 time thinking about it without 1438 00:54:47.784 --> 00:54:49.653 all the critical operational 1439 00:54:49.653 --> 00:54:51.388 decisions in front of us like we 1440 00:54:51.388 --> 00:54:54.190 have over the next couple of 1441 00:54:54.190 --> 00:54:55.292 weeks. 1442 00:54:55.292 --> 00:55:01.231 >> Next question, operator. 1443 00:55:01.231 --> 00:55:05.101 >> Your line is open. 1444 00:55:05.101 --> 00:55:06.269 >> Thank you for taking another 1445 00:55:06.269 --> 00:55:07.604 question. 1446 00:55:07.604 --> 00:55:09.906 Dante, the material we see in 1447 00:55:09.906 --> 00:55:12.008 the imagery that was disturbed 1448 00:55:12.008 --> 00:55:15.278 and kicked up any estimate on 1449 00:55:15.278 --> 00:55:17.614 how big some of the particles 1450 00:55:17.614 --> 00:55:18.315 might be? 1451 00:55:18.315 --> 00:55:20.016 They looks kind of small, but 1452 00:55:20.016 --> 00:55:22.052 it's hard to tell from scale. 1453 00:55:22.052 --> 00:55:25.088 And also if you did collect the 1454 00:55:25.088 --> 00:55:28.325 required sample of 60-plus grams 1455 00:55:28.325 --> 00:55:30.327 what is the flight plan for 1456 00:55:30.327 --> 00:55:31.594 OSIRIS-REx over the next few 1457 00:55:31.594 --> 00:55:32.162 months? 1458 00:55:32.162 --> 00:55:34.431 Do you have a date for 1459 00:55:34.431 --> 00:55:36.166 DEPARTURE? 1460 00:55:36.166 --> 00:55:38.068 Thank you. 1461 00:55:38.068 --> 00:55:38.668 >> Great question. 1462 00:55:38.668 --> 00:55:41.871 Can we bring up the third cest 1463 00:55:41.871 --> 00:55:44.441 images LOOKING at debris and 1464 00:55:44.441 --> 00:55:45.408 slow it down. 1465 00:55:45.408 --> 00:55:46.876 I know we talked about that. 1466 00:55:46.876 --> 00:55:48.244 Remember for scale we are 1467 00:55:48.244 --> 00:55:50.980 LOOKING at the tag Samhead 1468 00:55:50.980 --> 00:55:53.516 30-centimeters in diameter. 1469 00:55:53.516 --> 00:55:54.784 You can get a sense. 1470 00:55:54.784 --> 00:55:58.955 The spacecraft is only 6 feet 1471 00:55:58.955 --> 00:56:01.157 away not much Parter than my 1472 00:56:01.157 --> 00:56:01.891 span here. 1473 00:56:01.891 --> 00:56:04.461 CAN YOU estimate the particles. 1474 00:56:04.461 --> 00:56:06.162 We are looking at things that 1475 00:56:06.162 --> 00:56:07.897 are probably on the are order of 1476 00:56:07.897 --> 00:56:09.466 centimeters to several 1477 00:56:09.466 --> 00:56:10.367 centimeters. 1478 00:56:10.367 --> 00:56:12.068 We have this guy here. 1479 00:56:12.068 --> 00:56:14.270 This is pretty amazing LOOKING 1480 00:56:14.270 --> 00:56:14.938 particle. 1481 00:56:14.938 --> 00:56:17.307 If it was to scale of the tag 1482 00:56:17.307 --> 00:56:19.476 Samhead it would be on the order 1483 00:56:19.476 --> 00:56:21.578 of 15-centimeters it is closer 1484 00:56:21.578 --> 00:56:23.446 in our field of view and will be 1485 00:56:23.446 --> 00:56:25.048 small are than that. 1486 00:56:25.048 --> 00:56:26.683 This is the biggest I have seen 1487 00:56:26.683 --> 00:56:28.918 so far in my assessment of the 1488 00:56:28.918 --> 00:56:29.419 data. 1489 00:56:29.419 --> 00:56:30.653 The team is going THROUGH with 1490 00:56:30.653 --> 00:56:32.555 much more careful analysis. 1491 00:56:32.555 --> 00:56:34.257 I guess this is up to 1492 00:56:34.257 --> 00:56:36.226 10-centimeters across. 1493 00:56:36.226 --> 00:56:38.261 This guy comes shooting off from 1494 00:56:38.261 --> 00:56:40.296 the right side of the field of 1495 00:56:40.296 --> 00:56:41.765 view and moves over off the 1496 00:56:41.765 --> 00:56:43.233 image to the left. 1497 00:56:43.233 --> 00:56:45.135 There is certainly a lot of work 1498 00:56:45.135 --> 00:56:47.203 to do to really get a sense of 1499 00:56:47.203 --> 00:56:49.339 how far away, what is the DEPTH 1500 00:56:49.339 --> 00:56:51.408 of field of view of the image we 1501 00:56:51.408 --> 00:56:53.977 are seeing here and do real 1502 00:56:53.977 --> 00:56:57.914 precise measurements. 1503 00:56:57.914 --> 00:57:00.250 This alone shows me we picked up 1504 00:57:00.250 --> 00:57:02.285 things that are pretty big but 1505 00:57:02.285 --> 00:57:04.254 for the most part we are looking 1506 00:57:04.254 --> 00:57:07.690 AT centimeter, sub-centimeters 1507 00:57:07.690 --> 00:57:07.991 THERE. 1508 00:57:07.991 --> 00:57:10.326 Is a lot more detailed analysis 1509 00:57:10.326 --> 00:57:13.463 to go this is prelimmary and the 1510 00:57:13.463 --> 00:57:17.467 team is busy answering that 1511 00:57:17.467 --> 00:57:18.368 exact CAN WE. 1512 00:57:18.368 --> 00:57:21.237 >> To rich for the DEPARTURE 1513 00:57:21.237 --> 00:57:23.239 date and the return crews. 1514 00:57:23.239 --> 00:57:25.809 >> If we stow the sample we'll 1515 00:57:25.809 --> 00:57:29.078 be doing so in the first week of 1516 00:57:29.078 --> 00:57:32.482 November and we'll follow to 1517 00:57:32.482 --> 00:57:33.850 continue to drift away from the 1518 00:57:33.850 --> 00:57:35.151 ASTEROID after we makes the 1519 00:57:35.151 --> 00:57:36.853 maneuver on Friday rather than 1520 00:57:36.853 --> 00:57:38.955 attempting to reinsert into 1521 00:57:38.955 --> 00:57:40.457 orbit. 1522 00:57:40.457 --> 00:57:42.959 Our departure window opens in 1523 00:57:42.959 --> 00:57:43.560 march. 1524 00:57:43.560 --> 00:57:45.128 That's when the orbit willa 1525 00:57:45.128 --> 00:57:47.630 mechanics say it's fuel 1526 00:57:47.630 --> 00:57:50.200 EFFICIENT to get back to earth 1527 00:57:50.200 --> 00:57:53.436 and our designated date in 1528 00:57:53.436 --> 00:57:54.938 December 2023. 1529 00:57:54.938 --> 00:57:56.139 We will depart early march in 1530 00:57:56.139 --> 00:57:57.207 the opening of the window. 1531 00:57:57.207 --> 00:57:58.074 >> Okay. 1532 00:57:58.074 --> 00:57:59.075 We have time for one final 1533 00:57:59.075 --> 00:57:59.542 question. 1534 00:57:59.542 --> 00:58:00.243 Operator, please patch it 1535 00:58:00.243 --> 00:58:00.610 through. 1536 00:58:00.610 --> 00:58:00.627 Operator, do we have another 1537 00:58:00.627 --> 00:58:09.419 Your line is now open. 1538 00:58:09.419 --> 00:58:10.587 >> Thank you so much. 1539 00:58:10.587 --> 00:58:13.122 CONGRATULATIONS to the team. 1540 00:58:13.122 --> 00:58:15.358 I have a question about the 1541 00:58:15.358 --> 00:58:18.895 aftermath of this tag. 1542 00:58:18.895 --> 00:58:20.897 What are the plans, if any, to 1543 00:58:20.897 --> 00:58:23.399 do remote sensing on nightingale 1544 00:58:23.399 --> 00:58:26.536 site and see the hole you all 1545 00:58:26.536 --> 00:58:27.303 left? 1546 00:58:27.303 --> 00:58:31.007 And more generally the team 1547 00:58:31.007 --> 00:58:33.009 itself, this moment has CAPTURed 1548 00:58:33.009 --> 00:58:34.844 the world's attention. 1549 00:58:34.844 --> 00:58:37.780 Anything you want to say to 1550 00:58:37.780 --> 00:58:39.549 people around the world who are 1551 00:58:39.549 --> 00:58:41.718 watching and taking this in 1552 00:58:41.718 --> 00:58:43.686 Along with you? 1553 00:58:43.686 --> 00:58:44.087 >> Sure. 1554 00:58:44.087 --> 00:58:45.321 I'll answer that. 1555 00:58:45.321 --> 00:58:46.523 It's a tough question. 1556 00:58:46.523 --> 00:58:49.058 There was a lot of into from the 1557 00:58:49.058 --> 00:58:51.227 science team on more data. 1558 00:58:51.227 --> 00:58:53.196 More characterization after the 1559 00:58:53.196 --> 00:58:55.398 satchelling attempt -- sample 1560 00:58:55.398 --> 00:58:56.199 being attempt. 1561 00:58:56.199 --> 00:58:57.300 We gathered together as 1562 00:58:57.300 --> 00:58:59.302 a management team and evaluated 1563 00:58:59.302 --> 00:59:01.671 that question thoroughly. 1564 00:59:01.671 --> 00:59:06.876 And we agreed unanimously this 1565 00:59:06.876 --> 00:59:08.645 is about safe return of the 1566 00:59:08.645 --> 00:59:09.045 sample. 1567 00:59:09.045 --> 00:59:10.847 We do not want to do anything to 1568 00:59:10.847 --> 00:59:12.282 put that sample at risk. 1569 00:59:12.282 --> 00:59:14.150 The plan right now is we will go 1570 00:59:14.150 --> 00:59:15.418 through the verification 1571 00:59:15.418 --> 00:59:17.153 activities on the flight system, 1572 00:59:17.153 --> 00:59:19.055 check out the state of the 1573 00:59:19.055 --> 00:59:19.622 vehicle. 1574 00:59:19.622 --> 00:59:21.391 If everything looks positive and 1575 00:59:21.391 --> 00:59:24.127 we meet with Thomas on 1576 00:59:24.127 --> 00:59:25.395 October 30 and make the decision 1577 00:59:25.395 --> 00:59:27.230 to stow that is the end of the 1578 00:59:27.230 --> 00:59:28.398 science campaign. 1579 00:59:28.398 --> 00:59:30.466 We are solely focused on the 1580 00:59:30.466 --> 00:59:33.036 return crews and quite honestly 1581 00:59:33.036 --> 00:59:37.073 the real SCIENTIFIC PAY OFF is 1582 00:59:37.073 --> 00:59:39.108 the sample return and the sample 1583 00:59:39.108 --> 00:59:40.944 science and we'll be putting OUR 1584 00:59:40.944 --> 00:59:42.679 focus and resources into that. 1585 00:59:42.679 --> 00:59:45.148 It wasn't an easy decision. 1586 00:59:45.148 --> 00:59:46.883 I guarantee you, it was tough. 1587 00:59:46.883 --> 00:59:49.586 Especially the SCIENTIST in me 1588 00:59:49.586 --> 00:59:51.220 asks the questions but it's the 1589 00:59:51.220 --> 00:59:52.855 right decision to maintain the 1590 00:59:52.855 --> 00:59:53.957 focus on the level and 1591 00:59:53.957 --> 00:59:54.791 requirement. 1592 00:59:54.791 --> 00:59:57.193 I can tell you right before we 1593 00:59:57.193 --> 00:59:58.928 kicked off the tag activity I 1594 00:59:58.928 --> 01:00:00.229 went through all our 1595 01:00:00.229 --> 01:00:01.965 publications and all our data 1596 01:00:01.965 --> 01:00:04.334 and I mapped them to the level 1597 01:00:04.334 --> 01:00:05.668 requirements of the MISSIONs 1598 01:00:05.668 --> 01:00:07.804 what I agreed to with Thomas and 1599 01:00:07.804 --> 01:00:10.607 lori this program would deliver 1600 01:00:10.607 --> 01:00:12.675 and we have met and in most 1601 01:00:12.675 --> 01:00:14.544 cases vastly exceeded the 1602 01:00:14.544 --> 01:00:17.246 science requiremented of the 1603 01:00:17.246 --> 01:00:20.149 remote sensing. 1604 01:00:20.149 --> 01:00:23.553 All we have to do is get that 1605 01:00:23.553 --> 01:00:25.622 sample back to the earth, get it 1606 01:00:25.622 --> 01:00:27.657 in the LABORATORies and answer 1607 01:00:27.657 --> 01:00:30.660 the fundamental questions of the 1608 01:00:30.660 --> 01:00:32.328 formation of our SOLAR systems 1609 01:00:32.328 --> 01:00:34.731 and why earth is a HABITABLE 1610 01:00:34.731 --> 01:00:35.365 world. 1611 01:00:35.365 --> 01:00:36.799 You give me a chance to promote 1612 01:00:36.799 --> 01:00:39.936 a message and I will just say 1613 01:00:39.936 --> 01:00:42.238 OSIRIS-REx, in my opinion, is 1614 01:00:42.238 --> 01:00:45.141 the culmination of human 1615 01:00:45.141 --> 01:00:48.544 activity as a species. 1616 01:00:48.544 --> 01:00:50.146 We built it for peaceful 1617 01:00:50.146 --> 01:00:51.814 purposes out of curiosity and 1618 01:00:51.814 --> 01:00:53.149 our desire for knowledge. 1619 01:00:53.149 --> 01:00:54.517 It's a team that comes from 1620 01:00:54.517 --> 01:00:56.085 a variety of backgrounds and 1621 01:00:56.085 --> 01:00:57.053 view points. 1622 01:00:57.053 --> 01:00:58.655 But none of that matters because 1623 01:00:58.655 --> 01:01:00.456 we worked together, united in 1624 01:01:00.456 --> 01:01:02.125 a common vision and common goal 1625 01:01:02.125 --> 01:01:04.027 and when we do that we achieve 1626 01:01:04.027 --> 01:01:05.495 amazing things. 1627 01:01:05.495 --> 01:01:07.664 And so I told the team, you 1628 01:01:07.664 --> 01:01:09.732 know, I know we focus so much on 1629 01:01:09.732 --> 01:01:12.068 the details and TECHNICAL 1630 01:01:12.068 --> 01:01:14.137 implementation of the prospect, 1631 01:01:14.137 --> 01:01:16.172 but we serve as a model for what 1632 01:01:16.172 --> 01:01:19.208 we can do as human beings when 1633 01:01:19.208 --> 01:01:21.144 we unite in a common vision. 1634 01:01:21.144 --> 01:01:22.645 When we are united we are 1635 01:01:22.645 --> 01:01:23.913 strong, when we are divided we 1636 01:01:23.913 --> 01:01:24.514 are weak. 1637 01:01:24.514 --> 01:01:27.116 I hope the message of unity and 1638 01:01:27.116 --> 01:01:29.285 common purpose and that we are 1639 01:01:29.285 --> 01:01:31.187 all in this together, right. 1640 01:01:31.187 --> 01:01:36.826 We have this precious planet 1641 01:01:36.826 --> 01:01:39.562 earth we are stewards of and 1642 01:01:39.562 --> 01:01:41.030 when we come together we achieve 1643 01:01:41.030 --> 01:01:42.465 amazing things. 1644 01:01:42.465 --> 01:01:44.600 >> Can I follow on to that? 1645 01:01:44.600 --> 01:01:46.202 Yeah. 1646 01:01:46.202 --> 01:01:48.438 One additional thing to add on 1647 01:01:48.438 --> 01:01:51.174 to that, beautifully put words 1648 01:01:51.174 --> 01:01:53.009 from dante. 1649 01:01:53.009 --> 01:01:54.711 We are hoping to serve for an 1650 01:01:54.711 --> 01:01:56.679 inspiration for future 1651 01:01:56.679 --> 01:01:58.347 SCIENTISTs and ENGINEERs. 1652 01:01:58.347 --> 01:02:01.384 This mission is as much fun as 1653 01:02:01.384 --> 01:02:03.486 you can have and get paid to do, 1654 01:02:03.486 --> 01:02:03.786 right? 1655 01:02:03.786 --> 01:02:06.355 I had our, know one of of our 1656 01:02:06.355 --> 01:02:07.924 instrument scientists was 1657 01:02:07.924 --> 01:02:11.861 examining images as it came down 1658 01:02:11.861 --> 01:02:13.529 this morning and said his 1659 01:02:13.529 --> 01:02:15.565 subject line in his e-mail was 1660 01:02:15.565 --> 01:02:17.066 this is so cool! 1661 01:02:17.066 --> 01:02:18.968 Right? 1662 01:02:18.968 --> 01:02:20.069 And it is. 1663 01:02:20.069 --> 01:02:24.173 When he finished with was I love 1664 01:02:24.173 --> 01:02:24.874 this job. 1665 01:02:24.874 --> 01:02:28.544 We are hoping there are 5, 6, 1666 01:02:28.544 --> 01:02:30.480 10-year-olds out there who get 1667 01:02:30.480 --> 01:02:31.380 INSPIRED. 1668 01:02:31.380 --> 01:02:33.649 The amazing achievements of the 1669 01:02:33.649 --> 01:02:34.717 mission and the people and 1670 01:02:34.717 --> 01:02:36.185 ENGINEERs and scientists on the 1671 01:02:36.185 --> 01:02:37.553 mission that made it happen. 1672 01:02:37.553 --> 01:02:39.889 We need our future generations 1673 01:02:39.889 --> 01:02:41.758 to be INSPIRED by this. 1674 01:02:41.758 --> 01:02:43.092 That's what we are hoping to do. 1675 01:02:43.092 --> 01:02:45.762 I think the other thing is the 1676 01:02:45.762 --> 01:02:47.930 sample allocation. 1677 01:02:47.930 --> 01:02:49.165 A large fraction will be 1678 01:02:49.165 --> 01:02:52.101 reserved for study of future 1679 01:02:52.101 --> 01:02:53.002 generations. 1680 01:02:53.002 --> 01:02:54.937 We hope future sample SCIENTIST, 1681 01:02:54.937 --> 01:02:56.139 INSPIRED by THIS. 1682 01:02:56.139 --> 01:02:58.574 Kids at home today could be the 1683 01:02:58.574 --> 01:03:01.711 ones studying this sample in 10, 1684 01:03:01.711 --> 01:03:03.679 20. 30 years and makes new 1685 01:03:03.679 --> 01:03:05.615 discoveries that aren't even 1686 01:03:05.615 --> 01:03:06.616 possible with today's 1687 01:03:06.616 --> 01:03:07.650 technology. 1688 01:03:07.650 --> 01:03:09.852 Thank you. 1689 01:03:09.852 --> 01:03:11.254 >> That was a great way to wrap 1690 01:03:11.254 --> 01:03:12.889 the show up. 1691 01:03:12.889 --> 01:03:16.425 And the images are cool as your 1692 01:03:16.425 --> 01:03:17.293 ENGINEER said. 1693 01:03:17.293 --> 01:03:19.729 We would like to invite everyone 1694 01:03:19.729 --> 01:03:21.798 to tune in to the NASA science 1695 01:03:21.798 --> 01:03:23.533 live that will follow this press 1696 01:03:23.533 --> 01:03:25.334 briefing at 6:15. 1697 01:03:25.334 --> 01:03:30.006 Go to over NASA.gov/OSIRIS-REx 1698 01:03:30.006 --> 01:03:32.441 and see a presentation from 1699 01:03:32.441 --> 01:03:35.077 various SCIENTISTs and they will 1700 01:03:35.077 --> 01:03:36.612 talk about the images and the 1701 01:03:36.612 --> 01:03:38.080 over all mission. 1702 01:03:38.080 --> 01:03:39.549 I WANT to say CONGRATULATIONS to 1703 01:03:39.549 --> 01:03:40.516 the team. 1704 01:03:40.516 --> 01:03:41.984 Go OSIRIS-REx. 1705 01:03:41.984 --> 01:03:44.587 And thank you for tuning in.