WEBVTT FILE 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:01.840 [MUSIC] 2 00:00:01.840 --> 00:00:05.903 Across our planet, sea levels are on the rise. 3 00:00:06.916 --> 00:00:10.275 And while our changing climate is a huge driver, 4 00:00:10.275 --> 00:00:14.951 the movement of land, itself, is also an important factor. 5 00:00:15.997 --> 00:00:21.108 Around 20,000 years ago, ice sheets covered large areas of our planet, 6 00:00:21.650 --> 00:00:25.229 In many places, the weight of these massive ice sheets pressed down 7 00:00:25.229 --> 00:00:29.024 on the planet’s crust and the viscous mantle underneath. 8 00:00:29.530 --> 00:00:32.198 This weight caused the surrounding land to rise, 9 00:00:32.198 --> 00:00:36.382 and the sea levels to fall relative to that rising land. 10 00:00:38.240 --> 00:00:40.866 Over time, these ice sheets began to retreat 11 00:00:40.866 --> 00:00:44.650 as part of Earth’s natural cycle of glaciation and melt. 12 00:00:44.650 --> 00:00:48.083 and as a result, this land began to rebound. 13 00:00:48.083 --> 00:00:53.470 Land rose up, and previously uplifted land sank, or subsided, 14 00:00:53.470 --> 00:00:57.133 causing the sea level to rise relative to the ground. 15 00:00:57.680 --> 00:01:01.494 This adjustment of the land in many previously glaciated regions 16 00:01:01.494 --> 00:01:03.209 continues to this day, 17 00:01:03.209 --> 00:01:06.863 particularly in areas like the East Coast of the United States. 18 00:01:09.277 --> 00:01:12.473 Today, if we were to travel to a region like Greenland, 19 00:01:12.473 --> 00:01:16.389 where massive ice sheets are now retreating due to a changing climate, 20 00:01:16.389 --> 00:01:20.912 we can see the land readjusting in the same way to the lessening load. 21 00:01:21.975 --> 00:01:25.570 This also alters the shape of corresponding ocean basins, 22 00:01:25.570 --> 00:01:30.062 leading to additional subsidence along coastlines. 23 00:01:30.284 --> 00:01:33.568 Subsidence also can result from human activity. 24 00:01:34.182 --> 00:01:40.000 For example, we can see that many coastal cities rely on underground aquifers for fresh water. 25 00:01:40.605 --> 00:01:44.719 However, when water is extracted, it causes sediment to compact 26 00:01:44.719 --> 00:01:46.995 and the ground above to subside. 27 00:01:46.995 --> 00:01:51.373 This leads to additional sea level rise for these communities. 28 00:01:53.608 --> 00:01:57.362 We live on a dynamic planet that is constantly in motion.    29 00:01:57.796 --> 00:02:01.501 And understanding the many drivers of sea level rise is critical 30 00:02:01.501 --> 00:02:05.201 to anticipating and adapting to our ever-changing home.