WEBVTT FILE 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:08.240 How much data can Hubble store on board? 2 00:00:08.240 --> 00:00:10.196 Not very much at all! 3 00:00:10.196 --> 00:00:12.986 "Mike Wenz, Lead Subsystems Engineer" 4 00:00:12.986 --> 00:00:18.240 Hubble Space Telescope has 24 gigabits  of data storage! Any of your thumb drives   5 00:00:18.240 --> 00:00:24.320 are massively, massively much more updated than that. It's enough that we can manage it. 6 00:00:24.320 --> 00:00:30.000 Trying to manage all the data we have  to make it as efficient as possible. 7 00:00:30.000 --> 00:00:34.240 Our schedulers are very, very good about packing  the data, get the data down and get the new   8 00:00:34.240 --> 00:00:43.840 stuff up. It's a constant data coming down  and data coming up all the time for Hubble. 9 00:00:43.840 --> 00:00:48.923 [ MUSIC ]