WEBVTT FILE 1 00:00:00.010 --> 00:00:04.010 [slate] 2 00:00:04.030 --> 00:00:08.040 [slate] 3 00:00:08.060 --> 00:00:12.080 This new Hubble image 4 00:00:12.100 --> 00:00:16.120 shows comet 2I/Borisov as it comes into the solar system 5 00:00:16.140 --> 00:00:20.180 and is starting to heat up and emit gases. There's a long tail 6 00:00:20.200 --> 00:00:24.220 as the gases are emitted off. [slate] 7 00:00:24.240 --> 00:00:28.300 [slate] We are 8 00:00:28.320 --> 00:00:32.400 particularly excited about comet Borisov because we caught it on the way in and 9 00:00:32.420 --> 00:00:36.540 we can observe it as it comes in to closest approach to the sun and then 10 00:00:36.560 --> 00:00:40.690 as it recedes out into interstellar space once again. 11 00:00:40.710 --> 00:00:44.710 [slate] 12 00:00:44.730 --> 00:00:48.860 Studying interstellar space is important 13 00:00:48.880 --> 00:00:53.060 for understanding our place in the universe. Interstellar 14 00:00:53.080 --> 00:00:57.230 space is what our solar system is embedded in, and that we're moving through. 15 00:00:57.250 --> 00:01:01.410 So our ability to understand what's out there and what we're colliding with as we 16 00:01:01.430 --> 00:01:05.430 move through it, what we might see as we move through it is very exciting. 17 00:01:05.450 --> 00:01:09.450 [slate] 18 00:01:09.470 --> 00:01:13.640 An interstellar object is something that's out in interstellar space. 19 00:01:13.660 --> 00:01:17.670 Usually moving through it at relatively high velocity. 20 00:01:17.690 --> 00:01:21.720 It can be as simple as dust and gas or it can be a larger object like 21 00:01:21.740 --> 00:01:25.750 an asteroid or a comet. [slate] 22 00:01:25.770 --> 00:01:29.910 Studying and 23 00:01:29.930 --> 00:01:34.080 imaging comets is important because in many cases they sample 24 00:01:34.100 --> 00:01:38.280 what the surroundings were in which it formed. 25 00:01:38.300 --> 00:01:42.470 What the chemical composition, et cetera of the material in which formed is. 26 00:01:42.490 --> 00:01:46.510 It can be a way to sample the early stages of our solar system if it's a local 27 00:01:46.530 --> 00:01:50.560 comet. Or with an interstellar comet it can actually give us 28 00:01:50.580 --> 00:01:54.630 information on what conditions were like in a system far away from us. 29 00:01:54.650 --> 00:01:58.650 [slate] 30 00:01:58.670 --> 00:02:02.830 Interstellar space is 31 00:02:02.850 --> 00:02:06.860 the space between the stars. We have our local solar 32 00:02:06.880 --> 00:02:10.920 system with the sun and the planets in it including the Earth. And a large 33 00:02:10.940 --> 00:02:14.990 distance to the nearest star. And all of that space between our solar system 34 00:02:15.010 --> 00:02:19.080 and the neighboring stars is interstellar space. The space between 35 00:02:19.100 --> 00:02:22.856 the stars. It's mostly empty but it does have objects moving through it.