WEBVTT FILE 1 00:00:00.020 --> 00:00:03.030 My name is Dalia Kirschbaum at Goddard Space Flight Center 2 00:00:03.030 --> 00:00:06.050 and imagine if you could see inside a hurricane. 3 00:00:06.050 --> 00:00:09.060 Well now we can. The Global Precipitation Measurement Mission (GPM) 4 00:00:09.060 --> 00:00:12.090 core observatory has an instrument that can see 5 00:00:12.090 --> 00:00:14.290 layer by layer through the storm. 6 00:00:14.290 --> 00:00:17.490 Here we see Hurricane Joaquin when it was a tropical storm. 7 00:00:17.490 --> 00:00:20.550 You see heavy rain shown in red to green and you can even see ice and snow 8 00:00:20.550 --> 00:00:21.570 spreading out on top. 9 00:00:21.570 --> 00:00:24.580 Now this is really important for forecast centers 10 00:00:24.580 --> 00:00:27.610 around the world to understand hurricane structure 11 00:00:27.610 --> 00:00:28.640 and where it might be going. 12 00:00:28.640 --> 00:00:31.670 To learn more about this exciting mission please visit 13 00:00:31.670 --> 00:00:37.825 nasa.gov/gpm or at Twitter @nasa_rain