WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:07.460 Music 00:00:07.640 --> 00:00:12.440 My name is Amy Simon Miller and I study the atmospheres of the jovian planets. 00:00:12.450 --> 00:00:17.260 Whether on Jupiter is confined to a rather thin layer kind of high up in the 00:00:17.260 --> 00:00:20.199 atmosphere. So the tops of the clouds are what we're seeing when we look at 00:00:20.199 --> 00:00:24.039 Jupiter. One thing we're seeing in the southern part of the equatorial region 00:00:24.039 --> 00:00:28.630 is little v-shaped clouds or Chevron's and we wanted to understand how those 00:00:28.630 --> 00:00:32.560 are moving in the atmosphere. What we think Chevron's are are simply holes in 00:00:32.560 --> 00:00:37.420 the clouds there are simply areas where we don't see any bright white clouds. The 00:00:37.420 --> 00:00:41.770 Cassini mission flew by Jupiter in the year 2000 and because it was a slow 00:00:41.770 --> 00:00:46.090 distant flyby we got a lot of coverage of the planet over a long time period. So 00:00:46.090 --> 00:00:49.600 we were able to put those images together and make movies. What we found 00:00:49.600 --> 00:00:52.510 by looking at the movies is that they're not just moving from east to west 00:00:52.510 --> 00:00:56.460 they're moving up and down tracing out what's called a Rossby wave. We have 00:00:56.460 --> 00:01:00.300 these on Earth as well. In particular we see them around the poles they're 00:01:00.300 --> 00:01:04.120 circumpolar Jets and we can also see them in the jet streams at mid-latitudes. 00:01:04.120 --> 00:01:08.980 Jet streams on Earth typically flow from west to east, but sometimes you can see 00:01:08.980 --> 00:01:12.490 them meandering from north to south. And that's a signature of Rossby waves here on Earth. 00:01:12.490 --> 00:01:17.050 These meanders can sometimes grow stronger and that can lead to everyday 00:01:17.050 --> 00:01:21.480 weather changes such as the passage of fronts or storms being generated. For 00:01:21.480 --> 00:01:24.700 most people what we really want to understand is whether on Earth and what 00:01:24.700 --> 00:01:28.150 are the things that affect weather on Earth. Now Jupiter and Earth are very 00:01:28.150 --> 00:01:30.670 different planets. We don't have land and we don't have 00:01:30.670 --> 00:01:35.020 seasons on Jupiter. On the other hand we see very similar weather phenomenon. So 00:01:35.020 --> 00:01:38.950 being able to understand and study another planet teach us a lot more about 00:01:38.950 --> 00:01:43.080 what's common in an atmosphere on the Earth. 00:01:43.080 --> 00:01:45.480 Music 00:01:45.480 --> 00:01:52.080 Beep, Beep, Beep