Earth  ID: 12708

NASA Watches 30 Years of Ozone Success

Thirty years ago, the nations of the world agreed to the landmark ‘Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.’ The Protocol limited the release of ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) into the atmosphere.

Since the 1960s, NASA scientists have worked with NOAA researchers to study the ozone layer, using a combination of satellite, aircraft and balloon measurements of the atmosphere.

Things have been improving in the 30 years since the Montreal Protocol. Thanks to the agreement, the concentration of CFCs in the atmosphere has been decreasing, and the ozone hole maximum has been smaller since a record in 2006.

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Kathryn Mersmann (USRA): Lead Producer
Paul Newman (NASA/GSFC): Scientist
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NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

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SVS >> Ozone Hole
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SVS >> Montreal Protocol

GCMD keywords can be found on the Internet with the following citation: Olsen, L.M., G. Major, K. Shein, J. Scialdone, S. Ritz, T. Stevens, M. Morahan, A. Aleman, R. Vogel, S. Leicester, H. Weir, M. Meaux, S. Grebas, C.Solomon, M. Holland, T. Northcutt, R. A. Restrepo, R. Bilodeau, 2013. NASA/Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Earth Science Keywords. Version