Zoom into Olympic National Forest Time Lapse: 1984 to 1995

  • Released Friday, April 9, 1999

The ten small scenes show a one mile square area in the Olympic National Forest to the northwest of the Olympic National Park on the Olympic Pennisula in northwestern Washington State. Clear cutting in the area was already well underway at the time for the first Landsat scene in 1984. Public land use policy changes in the late 1980s resulted in timber cutting relocating from public lands to private holdings. Some revegetation of the clear cut areas can be seen in the later data.
A set of four full Landsat scenes showing the entire Olympic Pennisula, including this area of the Olympic National Forest, is also available (see animation 899).
North is up in all these images. The Landsat scenes use Thematic Mapper data from bands 5, 4, and 2 displayed as red, green, and blue respectively. In this color scheme, dense conifer coverage appears dark green, bare soil or cultivated land appears reddish, while the light blue on the peaks of mountains and ridges is snow.
Zoom into a 1 mile square area in the Olympic National Forest showing appearance on dates: 26 July 1984, 13 July 1985, 29 May 1986, 29 March 1987, 21 September 1987, 21 July 1988, 13 September 1990, 16 September 1991, 2 March 1992, and 11 September 1995

Video slate image reads, "LandSat ImagesZoom onto 1 mile square area in the Olympic National Forest showing appearance on dates:26 July 1984,13 July 1985,29 May 198629 March 1987,21 September 1987,21 July 1988,13 September 1990,16 September 1991, 2 March 1992,11 September 1995".

Video slate image reads, "LandSat Images
Zoom onto 1 mile square area in the Olympic National Forest showing appearance on dates:
26 July 1984,
13 July 1985,
29 May 1986
29 March 1987,
21 September 1987,
21 July 1988,
13 September 1990,
16 September 1991,
2 March 1992,
11 September 1995".

For More Information


Please give credit for this item to:
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Scientific Visualization Studio

Release date

This page was originally published on Friday, April 9, 1999.
This page was last updated on Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 1:59 PM EDT.


This visualization is related to the following missions:

Datasets used in this visualization

  • [Landsat-5: TM]

    ID: 53
    Sensor: TMDates used: 1984/07/26, 1985/07/13, 1986/05/29, 1987/03/29, 1987/09/21, 1988/07/21, 1990/09/13, 1991/09/16, 1992/03/02, 1995/09/11

Note: While we identify the data sets used in these visualizations, we do not store any further details, nor the data sets themselves on our site.